Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Not every province celebrates the civic weekend. Here in the Toronto area we are celebrating Lord Simcoe who helped to create Yonge Street. Regardless of the reason for other provinces, it is just fun to have the Monday off. Enjoy!
Friday, July 29, 2011
I had the fortune in my youth to visit London three times. But others I have known have been there too.
It is an amazing city especially with the recent Royal Wedding. The shopping,the people and now with the Summer Olympics only a year away what time to reflect on such a wonderful International city.
Family friends visited in the 60"s- " Dear May & Ellie-Arrived. Ok weather, really nice so far. We've done a lot of walking and Garry is already pooped. We leave in a day or so to the south coast and Wales by car- for which Garry is grateful. The family were really shocked at the size of the kids but they are fine. They meet the rest of them tomorrow probably a whing ding. See you soon. Amy, Jack & kids" July 18, 1963.
My first trip ever outside Canada was to England in 1967. I wrote a card to my boyfriend Adolph.
"Hi Love, Thought I'ld send you a card since my letters are so dull. I miss you. Bye now. Love, Barb"
My friend Denise went to England in 1980- "Dear Barbara & Adolph- Over here for 2 weeks- going to Stonehenge today-travelled down from Scotland yesterday and off to London tomorrow for a couple of days then home. Cheers! Denise"
My daughter Sonya and husband Andrew went on an European trip in 2007. Their first stop was London. " Hi Mom & Dad! We're in our 2nd day here in London and loving it! Spent a full day sightseeing today- Big Ben, Buckingham, Picadilly Circus, Tower of London & St. Paul's Cathedral. Had a nice dinner in a ritzy part of town tonight. One more full day here, then off to Italia! Love you very much Sonya & Andrew XOXO"
Well London and England has been a special location for many in my life. Have you been to London? Isn't it a fabulous place. Like they say London swings! Do you love London?
If you want your postcard featured here, email me at abdm@rogers.com, I will send you my address so you can send me your postcard.
It is an amazing city especially with the recent Royal Wedding. The shopping,the people and now with the Summer Olympics only a year away what time to reflect on such a wonderful International city.
Family friends visited in the 60"s- " Dear May & Ellie-Arrived. Ok weather, really nice so far. We've done a lot of walking and Garry is already pooped. We leave in a day or so to the south coast and Wales by car- for which Garry is grateful. The family were really shocked at the size of the kids but they are fine. They meet the rest of them tomorrow probably a whing ding. See you soon. Amy, Jack & kids" July 18, 1963.
My first trip ever outside Canada was to England in 1967. I wrote a card to my boyfriend Adolph.
"Hi Love, Thought I'ld send you a card since my letters are so dull. I miss you. Bye now. Love, Barb"
My friend Denise went to England in 1980- "Dear Barbara & Adolph- Over here for 2 weeks- going to Stonehenge today-travelled down from Scotland yesterday and off to London tomorrow for a couple of days then home. Cheers! Denise"
My daughter Sonya and husband Andrew went on an European trip in 2007. Their first stop was London. " Hi Mom & Dad! We're in our 2nd day here in London and loving it! Spent a full day sightseeing today- Big Ben, Buckingham, Picadilly Circus, Tower of London & St. Paul's Cathedral. Had a nice dinner in a ritzy part of town tonight. One more full day here, then off to Italia! Love you very much Sonya & Andrew XOXO"
Well London and England has been a special location for many in my life. Have you been to London? Isn't it a fabulous place. Like they say London swings! Do you love London?
If you want your postcard featured here, email me at abdm@rogers.com, I will send you my address so you can send me your postcard.
Is a happy flower to have in the garden. It blooms early summer and can stay until the snow flies. I have several plants with a variety of colours. My little granddaughter loves them. 
They need to be pruned especially the leaves which can obtain rust. Do you have hollyhocks in your garden? Do you like how tall and majestic they become?I even noticed the bees like the flower. I wonder if there is a hollyhock honey flavour. What do you think?
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Sometimes the younger generation looks at their parents or other adults in their lives thinking "they are so boring and set in their ways!" Don't take any risks! Bungee jumping is not a big risk taker for me- it is just something I would never do. Does getting married while still in university with no money but student loans count? First four years of my marriage, I was at school. Paid off the loans and proceeded to save for the house. Then when the second child was born, Adolph bought into a business- from two incomes to an income and a quarter plus the business loan. Two children, house, job and helping in the businesses- risk- you better believe it. The average commuter driving in rush hour traffic takes a risk everyday. Travelling to a foreign country- well it is a risk! To me going into avalanche country is actually life threatening! There are many things I do not want to do. Not because I am afraid, it is just I feel I have taken many risks in my life. Going for a new job is a risk for many people. Dare devil risks are insensitive to the people in your life! Stating your opinion while no one agrees with you is a huge risk. Would you swim across a lake without a spotter in a boat beside you? Risk can come with safety features. Backup plans! Change can occur at any time so it may be necessary to take a risk to keep going. To face the change. To face grief. To face a new diagnosis. Are you a risk taker? Have you had enough risk taking in your life? Do you crave for some stability? Tell me your stories. You can comment!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
We have many student volunteers ( 15- 21 years) at the hospital. When I was young they were called Candy Stripers because they wore a uniform that looked like a Red and White Candy Cane! Now just wear green. Our High Schools have a community service credit that requires volunteering. Volunteers are a win-win. The young people get a chance to experience a community service and the service has a "workforce" to provide service to our patients. A wheelchair and ride to the door for a patient being discharged; taking cultures to the Lab; delivering flowers or mail to hospitalized patients and any number of small jobs are essential for good patient satisfaction. Other agencies in my region as well as the province benefit from our young volunteers. As employees it is our obligation to be supportive to them. To get into Graduate School, I needed so many community hours to demonstrate I had some experience. For this generation, the requirement has not changed. It does feel good to be assisting with the foundation for the future. How do you use young people in your workplace? Do you find they are a benefit? Do you have a story about one?
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Sometimes an extended hand is a bridge for help. "Here let me give you a hand!" A bridge can help anchor us from one event in our lives to the next. If the bridge is out a new route must be found. Who are the bridges in your life? Are you a bridge to someone? Do you have some real concrete bridges where you live? Do you like the view from your bridge?
Monday, July 25, 2011
A drive along a country road reveals nature at its best. The farms are providing crops that will last throughout the year. Cattle will be fed as many farmers have one crop of feed done and are growing another. I love a drive in the country any time of the year. But summer brings the satisfaction of home grown fruit and vegetables! Do you love your local scene? What brings joy to you? Are there favourite roads and favourite farms?
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Niagara Falls, Ontario is a dream location to visit for so many people in the world. For those of us who live near the Falls, it is a must for any visitor to the province.

My first visit was a class trip when I was in Grade 8. My mother had a brother who was killed in car accident near the Falls so would not take us there. I have visited several times over the years during all seasons . A summer trip can encompass a day at Marineland. The Floral Clock is another tourist favourite. Don't forget the Cassino!! A drive along the escarpment is quite picturesque. Near The Falls are several wineries that make for a fun time especially if there is a designated driver so wine tasting can occur. I have bought many postcards over the years from Niagara Falls but have never received one- sent some to people in other parts of the world though. Last time, January 2010, Adolph and I stayed at a hotel on the 33rd floor overlooking The Falls during a special birthday weekend. Winter sure changed the look of the area! For many if an expensive trip to Europe or South is not affordable, many people will go to Niagara for a quick getaway. Have you been to Niagara Falls? Do you have a special memory?
If you want your postcard featured here, email me at abdm@rogers.com and I will send you my addresss.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011

is a beautiful and hardy summer flower. There are several clusters in my garden as with other perennials they tend to spread and grow. It is from the Compositae which really means the daisy family. I like the backwards petals. It is even known to have a herbal use. Apparently the roots can be used as an immune booster. I just think it is pretty and adds colour to the garden. The purple ones attract butterflies. I have been lucky to capture a picture or two of my monarch butterfly occasionally. With our current hot spell, it is good to know it is drought resistant.
Although they are found in many gardens, it is a wild flower indigenous to North America.
Do you have cone flowers in your area?
They make a wonderful welcome addition to a daisy garden. The colour amongst the white. What do you think? Do you like my sea of cone flowers?
They make a wonderful welcome addition to a daisy garden. The colour amongst the white. What do you think? Do you like my sea of cone flowers?
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Can occur at various ages with children. We see it in babies- look for their mother if she is the main caregiver. It is healthy as it demonstrates a healthy emotional bond has been made. The preschool child often regresses and may become "sucky" as my daughter sometimes describes her son lately. It can be connected to a major change in the child's life. Before the child moves forward, regression occurs. Older children can have the same feelings. First time away at sleepover camp. Even the first sleepover at a friend's house can bring these feelings. If older children are away for a long stay, we call it "homesick". Healthy normal feelings. Be supportive! Reassure the child! I have always used the pictures of my children to show the grandchildren if they are having an off day at my house. " Mommy will be here soon!" " Daddy is coming!" An older child may not want to admit they miss their parents. Setting a check-in, such as a phone call time regularly may help to provide some stability during an absence. Parents also feel an emptiness when children are elsewhere. So be in tune with your own feelings! How do you handle your child's separation anxiety? Have you had an absence from your child? Not great feelings- but what reassures you?
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Are you a knight in shining armour? Do you try to rescue people when needed? It's not just in fairy tales or the Middle Ages long epic poems that find people that rescue us- our doctors, teachers, nurses, police and fire people, military personnel, parents and even the odd social worker or 2 can be our modern heros. They get paid anyway. There are so many ordinary people in our lives and world that make a difference for the good. It does not have to be anything too special or over the top. Kind words to the store clerk, a good morning when encountering someone near your home, holding the door for that gentleman with his arms full, well you get the picture! Make sure you are a good Knight and not a Black Knight! Do good more often because you don't want the armour to get rusty!
Monday, July 18, 2011
When the kids go to college, you become the caregiver for your parents, retirement are all hard transitions. There is a grieving process that accompanies each one. Are you going through a rough transition? Are you avoiding the true feelings it brings? Reality is the best remedy. Pretending all will be well is just avoiding the issue. Let's talk.
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Australia is always a dream vacation for many Canadians. Even though it is half way around the world and a gruelling flight, anyone that has visited the continent takes back so many memories. The cities, the outback, the culture and of course the kangaroos and kola bears are all symbols we love. The Sydney Olympics were so amazing! The wonderful films especially Crocodile Dundee- 1 and 2 touched our hearts- linking two continents. The cards shown here are from three sources- a local restaurant that had a special time of Australian food on their menu. Yes we even have a restaurant called The Outback! A second source from a work colleague that visited Australia sending cards to the team. The third source is a wonderful card from my brother Rob. He actually emailed us his trip every day but his card tells a piece of the story from his trip in 2005 with his family.
Well the card arrived to the Di Mambro Family August 26, 2005.
When Canadians meet Australians in other places, there seems to be a common bond. Similar cultures, history. My younger daughter recalls a couple she met in Italy and found this to be true.
Have you visited Australia? What are your favourite memories? Do you have family living there? Many local Italian-Canadians have family that located in Australia. Sometimes graduates find jobs there. Do you know anyone like that? I love the animals as there are so different from those in other parts of the world. Like the famous person said- Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, oy, oy, oy!
If you want your postcard featured here email me at abdm@rogers.com and I will send you my address.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

To become a butterfly. Life can be about transformations. To move forward we must let go of one part of our lives. Is it easy? Does it come with trepidation? Is change always for the better? Do we even like change? Do we have to like change? Can we help nurture those around us to help their journey forward? Like my backyard- I have many milkweed plants to help the journey of my little monarch butterflies. I help with one part of their journey. Sometimes I think about those who were part of my journey. Would they be happy, proud of who I am today? Fly away little butterfly- see the world!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
When the baby becomes a toddler, the household can be turned upside down. Every cupboard, drawer,area of the house is a place to explore. Safety is so paramount to make the environment safe.
It is also a magical time when your child's language development goes from a few words to sentences and the ability to talk with you. There are too many toys and books on the market to recommend so you can explore and bring into your home the needed external stimulation. However, the most important ingredients are the regular family members- parents, siblings, extended family to help with the emotional and social development- establishing those relationships are vital. Media bombards us with the need for learning, learning and flashcards so the child can read at an early age. Each child will read and do when ready. Different children gravitate to different things of interest. The toddler loves books with pictures and loves to point!Providing a loving, caring and stimulating environment will fodder those interests. Setting clear boundaries is important. Routines! Talking, reading, playing- yes playing! The old concept- less is more! You are a huge toy to your child! The balance for you to accomplish what needs to be done in household routines, work schedules and the time to be with your child takes discipline, commitment and lots of energy! Fortunately, the toddler year only lasts 12 months. But be prepared to be busy! Do you have a toddler in your life? What do you do with your little child? Are you having fun? Are you enjoying? In your busy day, remember to step back and enjoy! Tell me your stories!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
During my recent vacation week, I was able to visit some museums and historic sites. There are the big museums like the Royal Ontario Museum that attracts large crowds. In every community across the country, the small local museums offer insight to the community or have a theme. Pictured here are two views- one from the Anglers and Hunters Heritage Centre in Peterborough and the other from the Air and Space Museum in Northern Toronto. Small but full of information on their related topics. And not crowded! Both little museums had a personal attachment for me- thus the reason to visit. It also gives a possible opportunity to donate old things that linger in homes that other family members may not want. Regardless of age it is an opportunity to discover new information or revisit other times of your life.
For example, the Air Canada corner at the Air Museum showed a typical meal from the 60's on board a plane and compared to what one gets today! To think everyone used to complain about airplane food- a full meal with cutlery! The Heritage museum showcased the out of doors. Still a work in progress as many displays are not finished yet! Even the visitor centre at the Lift Lock in Peterborough had a display of the building of the Lock. In your travels across this country or your own country do you visit the local museums or art galleries? Do you ever donate items to them? Do you have a favourite place you like to see? Can you comment on a local venue you like to visit? Do you even like them?
Monday, July 11, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Since our parents retired to the Okanagan in 1976, many family members have made trips and spent vacations there. They live in Westbank now called West Kelowna. During my trip there in 1989 with the girls, Adolph had to work in his businesses-summer was the busiest time- they were enthralled with the legend of Ogopogo. They were convinced they should see him! The famous lake monster whose legend came from earlier times is supposed to live in the lake. Many people claim they have seen him. Beaches, fruit, outdoor activities abound. Many vineyards throughout the valley make good wines. Visited Mission Hill once doing their wine tour with the folks! On one visit in June 1997 by myself, I sent a postcard to Adolph-" Hi Curly, Enjoying my visit- slower pace- reading, walking, eating etc. I'm taking care of my folks. Bought my Dad- Pesce Vino- wine in a fish bottle. He thought it was cute. We'll go out to dinner for Mom's Birthday. Love you, see you soon- Barb" It was Mom"s 75th birthday.
The Okanagan Lake is a long thin lake with many little communities along it- Kelowna is the larger one, Vernon, Peachland, Summerland, Penticton, Okanagan Falls, Oliver and Osoyoos- which is famous as it is very dry like a desert community!The mountains are a low range similar to the area around my husband's hometown of Cassino. The people are hospitable and cater to the tourists! Have you been to the Okanagan? Do you like the area? Do you believe in the legend of Ogopogo? Hey, wait I hear a splash in the water! Do you think it could be him?
If you would like your postcard featured here, email me at abdm@rogers.com and I will send you my address.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
For some ownership of a yacht is quite prestigious. A floating home with all the perks.
Any tourist place offers tours of the lake, harbour, fishing for a day. If you have a cottage, you have a boat. Camping holidays include canoes, kayaks, row boats. Much of my youth was spent in a canoe. First time I remember being in one, I was about three. I always loved the ability to float quietly on the water hoping to sneak up on some wildlife. Learnt to waterski on our family boat as a kid! Friends have a sailboat that Adolph and I were able to have a sail on a harbour near Georgian Bay. The only boat I
have had as an adult is a little dighy rubber boat I bought for the kids when we rented a cottage one summer. Served a purpose- the girls had fun with
have had as an adult is a little dighy rubber boat I bought for the kids when we rented a cottage one summer. Served a purpose- the girls had fun with
their friends.
Most Canadians live near some water or waterway. We live near Lake Ontario to the south, Lake Simcoe to the north and the Trent-Severn waterway to the east. Of course the St. Lawrence connects the lake to eastern Canada. Travelling in Ontario brings us to one of the Great Lakes. On each coast, Canadians are connected to two oceans- the Atlantic and the Pacific! If you want to travel on the ocean, you need a big boat!
Most Canadians live near some water or waterway. We live near Lake Ontario to the south, Lake Simcoe to the north and the Trent-Severn waterway to the east. Of course the St. Lawrence connects the lake to eastern Canada. Travelling in Ontario brings us to one of the Great Lakes. On each coast, Canadians are connected to two oceans- the Atlantic and the Pacific! If you want to travel on the ocean, you need a big boat!
Even our motto is about water- mare usque mare- sea to sea. Do you love some water sports? Is your boat just for fishing? Do you find it pleasurable to have a boat? But remember to wear your life jacket! No matter how good a swimmer- it is a must! Remember all the rules of boating safety!
Friday, July 8, 2011
A front door. Back door. Side door. Open the door. Close the door. Screen door. Garage door. Stained glass, wood, metal. Trap door. Pet door. Entrance. Exit. Who's knocking at the door? Hinged. Sliding. Wild West has saloon doors! Used to have door to door salesmen. Enjoy nature in the Great Out of Doors! City of Toronto has the annual Open Doors- gives visitors a chance to explore over 100 buildings! The 60's rock group- The Doors! In literature a door can symbolize a change. I entered a new door of life! The door was slammed in my face! Didn't answer the door so missed an opportunity. " I adore you!" Shut the door on your way out! Do you have a favourite door?
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Anyone that moves to a new subdivision knows the meaning of this saying. First there's the dirt, then the new grass and the realization there is no privacy. When the fence is installed, no matter how small the yard there is a sense of privacy and ownership. With little children in a home, there is the ease of space to run but not to run away- like the street which always has a pull for little children. If you live next to a hoarder, it gives a wall between the garbage and your own yard. People with pets can have them poop in their own yards and not yours. Fencing designs have evolved. My wooden fence looks so dated compared to the modern ones. It does the trick with all the tall trees now to give a place to escape the world- not the noise though with the sound of traffic from Yonge Street! Everyone can create their own space with individual imaginations. Do you have a fenced in yard? Does it give you the privacy you need? If you could have an ideal yard, how would it look? I still would like a gazebo!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
A trip to the McMichael Collection July 4, 2011.
The entrance to the Collection is quite attractive. The setting itself is reflective of Northern Ontario. The trees have grown over the years to create a forest like effect.

The entrance to the Collection is quite attractive. The setting itself is reflective of Northern Ontario. The trees have grown over the years to create a forest like effect.
As some family members were skeptical that my little granddaughter Sophia would not like her visit to the McMichael collection in Kleinburg, I was not. She loves to draw, colour and craft using a variety of resources-Nana has a good supply! Crafting in a variety of mediums have been a part of my life. As you know the permanent collection consists of the Group of Seven, First Nations and Inuit art and artifacts as well as some temporary collections. For our visit on Monday, Marc-Aurete Fortin art collection was on display. It is described as an experience of colour. Little Sophia when asked in each gallery room what she liked the most, she picked pictures with lots of colour. Her little drawings always have lots of colour too! We were fortunate too to be able to visit the new Sculpture Garden and Enhanced Grounds that had opened on July 1, 2011.
The sculptures were created by Ivan Eyre. Visitors follow the path and see them as an outdoor gallery. Sophia loved them, insisting I take pictures of each one. " Nana, you need to get this one." It was a reminder of another time when I took my girls to the Art Gallery of Ontario and my oldest daughter was enthralled with the Henri Moore Sculpture room there. Children do have a shortened attention span so the visit followed the pace of my granddaughter and not mine. There was an art camp for children going on that Sophia observed. I mentioned to her that her mother had gone to an art camp one summer when she was little. Perhaps when she is older, it may be an option if she has an interest.
We had bought some art postcards in the gift shop. Sophia was able to pick one for herself- she picked a Tom Thomson-entitled Wildflowers, 1917. An interesting choice as not only did it have lots of colour but the flowers are so similar to the ones she loves to pick.
I enjoyed the day. Not only was I with one of my favourite people but able to observe her experience of something I love. The McMichael is one of my favourite places to visit. Exposing children to art at a young age just expands their knowledge and ability to like a variety of interests. Do you take your children/grandchildren to favourite activities? What are they? Do you enjoy seeing the child's experience? Tell me your thoughts! Do you even like art? Perhaps it is time you revisited a gallery or two!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
And more blogs to come. Reflecting back on the year, I have found the blogging process such a wonderful opportunity to write. Write ideas, write clinical concepts, write short vignettes, just write. Using my photos to convey the message has urged me to view the world with a creative eye to take not only pictures but to consider- wow I could use that in my blog! Sometimes I will peruse my photos and a blog comes from the photo and sometimes I have an idea and I search for a photo to accompany it! I want to develop my Nana Says series further. My Sunday blogs that are now- A Postcard From- series let's me review not only my travel stories but those of others who have crossed my path. Have you noticed my Canadian themes! They actually bring in readers from around the world. Love it! I really think I have been blogging all my life but was not able to publish my stories, poems, articles- not from trying- but from the fact some editor did not want them. My photos have been entered in many contests, used on photocards, enlarged but are not great sellers either. So the use in the blogs give them a chance to be seen! Thank you to my regular readers- cousin Roy; friends like Mary and Rose; my favourite workmates-Amy and Heather; brother and wife-Reed and Edna; some cousins in Italy- grazie Paolo, Roberta, Carlo; and all the others who drop by occasionally- please keep visiting and give me your comments. Just go into the comment profile and type your name, post and watch for the commands to transcribe those funny letters to make it legitimate. If you have an idea you want me to reflect, well just let me know. Must run as the world is waiting, actually my husband wants to grocery shop! Keep on visiting!
Monday, July 4, 2011
A weekend of Nations' celebrations. Although we can have our differences, I always feel good that Canadians and Americans make good neighbours. There are other countries and nationalities that would be difficult to have on our borders. Then our Mexican cousins to the south are wonderful too. Trips there are always fun. So here's to celebrating democracy! Let's continue to hope other nations on this great earth will be given the opportunity to determine their own course. What are you doing with all the celebrations? Did you have a good Canada Day? Are you celebrating the 4th of July? Do you have some special family celebrations?
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Cassino, Italy is the birthplace of my husband, Adolph ( Adolfo). He came with his family at age 9, June 29 1959 is when the landed in Canada. I have been to Cassino three times. Adolph has made more trips to visit family and to take care of the property there.
The handwritten postcards are from his mother- Mamma. After we were married in May 1971, she and my father-in-law Joe went to Cassino in August 1971 to transfer the land there to their two sons- Adolph and Tony. It was a difficult trip as Joe had ALS- Lou Gehrig's disease- which exacerbated during the trip.
Mamma wrote on one card- Cara Barbie-Abbiamo trovato tante accoglienza dai nostri parenti ma sono rimasta tanto delusa arrivederci presto. Love Mama.
To Adolph she wrote- Caro Adolfo- Spero che state bene, io non vedo l'ora di tornare con voi qui abbiamo avuto tanta accoglienza da tua zia e Pia e tutti sono stati, contenti cordialmente vi salutiamo. Mama.
Cassino is about an hour's drive from Rome- in the middle between Rome and Naples. It is famous for its Roman Bath- Teame Varroniane, Montecassino- the Monastery on the mountain, war cemeteries and some interesting Roman ruins at the base of the mountain. On my first trip there in 1991, I loved the piece of an old Roman road still exisiting. During World War Two, Cassino and the monastery was bombed to the ground and needed to be rebuilt. To have those Roman ruins saved seemed like such a miracle! Cassino Antica can been seen in one of the postcards. Adolph still has several cousins who live there. We keep in touch and throughout the years they have been very graciously hospitable to our family especially my children. Both girls have had holidays in Italy and have been so well received on several occasions. Vive Italia! Vive Cassino!
If you want a postcard featured here, email me at abdm@rogers.com and I will give you my address.
For comments, simply put your name in the profile section as I have finally changed my settings to allow this to happen.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Is such a wonderful phrase and feeling. People starting to go away, enjoying summer activities and just slowing down. For me, increasing my activity level is usual . On vacation this week and one goal is to power walk with my weights up the hill to the Library every day- 20 minutes, not a big deal. On track, two days, two walks! I see others bike riding, walking, jogging! And of course that low impact exercise- gardening! What will be the summer reading! Newspapers always have so many suggestions. But a good book by the lake, the beach, on the back porch is always a fine summer goal! I have a small pile of unread books- fiction and non-fiction I will attempt to read. It is more difficult to do indoor chores as the outdoors calls me. What do you love about the summer? What are you planning? Do you find the living easy?
For those who have been trying to comment- just put your name in the comment select profile box as I have changed the setting to allow this to happen.
For those who have been trying to comment- just put your name in the comment select profile box as I have changed the setting to allow this to happen.
Friday, July 1, 2011
July 1 a day to celebrate. Changed the name from Dominion Day in 1982 to Canada Day.We are a 144 years old now. July 1, 1967- Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Upper and Lower Canada-Ontario, Quebec- declared us a country under the British North America Act. Still loyal to Britain as one of the colonies. Other provinces joined later- Manitoba-1870; Prince Edward Island and British Columbia-1873; Alberta and Saskatchewan-1905 and then Newfoundland in 1949. 1898 saw the creation of the North West Territories and Yukon. Nunavut created in 1999 is the newest territory in the North. As a country we stand on guard- loyal and free. Still three main solitudes- Aboriginal, English and French with cultural diversity- we are a compassionate and strong people with a love of country! This year has the newlywed Royal couple- William and Kate- visiting our beautiful land. Personally, I will be having pancakes for breakfast, going to a local celebration at Richmond Green- large park with many activities-, have hung my big Canadian flag outside and hopefully finding a spot to watch the fireworks later in the evening. What will you be doing to celebrate this special day? Do you have special family traditions? Are you patriotic? Or will you watch the celebrations from Ottawa from the comfort of your family room couch?
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