
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


A type of squash, pumpkins can be seen everywhere in North America at this time of year. So Canada is a big grower of pumpkins too. Nationally and even local for me
Baskets at markets.

Used in pies, tarts and bread. Pumpkin seeds are so tasty after being roasted in the oven.

In rows.

Funny faces.

Easy to grow in a garden.

Even the colour orange is a healing colour. Is it why we like pumpkins so much.
Every year a chance to take photos of pumpkins.

But a favourite trip in 2014 to Willowtree Farm market brought some really fun pictures.

A funny pumpkin dog.

My favourite of all time- Pumpkin Man.

Another orange field.

Decorations by the door.

A neat pumpkin patch on Bathurst just north of Major Mackenzie close to home on the Vaughan side of Bathurst.
Of course pumpkins with other fall vegetables are so Canadian and so local. The native Canadians had squash as one of their staples. My favourite is pumpkin pie with whipped cream. How about you, do you like pumpkins?? Thank our farmers!!


Halloween is such an important event for children. Even adults get into the mix with their parties, home decorations and creative pumpkin carving.
Doing it safely is important. Drivers need to watch for children. It is fun for children to celebrate. Great for dentists with all the sugar consumed.
My treats are all allergy free. Having two grandchildren with food allergies, I make sure all my candies are okay for all children.
I do not get the crowds like some people do but any little one that comes to the door is so welcome. I love them all. Brings back memories of my children going out on Halloween.
Have fun and stay safe.

Monday, October 29, 2018


Summer behind us, fall in full bloom. Colour everywhere. The beauty of a tree. The beauty of the rustling of fall leaves on a sidewalk.
Every street changing colour.

Take a country drive to see nature at its best.


Civilized people always have good manners. So what are good manners.
It starts with respect of yourself. Respect of others. Respect of our community.
Opening a door. Sayings please and thank you. Not saying rude, crude, racial or derogatory statements to others. Driving with manners. Not cutting off another car. Letting someone in traffic to to keep it moving.
What do you think about good manners? Do you teach your children manners?

Friday, October 26, 2018


Touted as the second largest and profitable holiday in Canada, Halloween is all around us. The displays, the costumes, the candies and well this weekend will be the parties. Even though Halloween is not until next Wednesday, parties always happen on the weekend before the big event. 
If you were to wear a costume, what would it be? Traditional! Marvel comic! Unicorn that is popular with the younger set! Scary! Just a mask!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


We all need to have our space. Boundaries give us some freedom to be ourselves. It is said fences make good neighbours. Some are high with electrical wires to keep out predators. Some are wood. Some are iron with holes so the view is not distorted.

They can be backdrops for a flower bed.
Compartmentalizing our lives can be important and fences help with that.


Friday, October 19, 2018


The rustle of leaves under your feet. The crisp air. Seeing the beautiful colours on the Fall trees. Getting out and enjoying before the excuse of cold weather keeps us all indoors. Canada is such a beautiful country in the Fall.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


As it has become known the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One occurs November 11, 2018. Reminding children that from war came the peace and prosperity of Canada.Peace comes with a price.  Knowing what war means and ways to try to prevent it in the future is always a good thing. Acknowledging the sacrifices of armed force personnel yesterday, today and tomorrow gives a perspective to children. Wear the poppy. Go to the Remembrance Day services. Have activities at schools. We do not want to glorify war. We want to demonstrate it has been a part of the human condition. We want to honour any family members that served. So if you do not know who served from your family, well then find out. Last year two of my grandsons had their great-grandfather's picture at their Remembrance Day service at their school. It was a short simple gesture of remembering. WW1 was supposed to be the war to end all wars. Trying to understand why it did not is a huge discussion but one that needs to occur. November and Remembrance Day can help with that topic. It can be an ongoing conversation occurring periodically.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Everyone makes their own lists for shopping and organizing. We are told put everything in your cell phone. But having the list handwritten often stimulates the brain differently. It makes us pay attention. I put lists on my fridge. Like my outline for Thanksgiving. Checking off what I had bought and a reminder of what needed to be bought. A visual review!
Adolph still has the duty of reviewing the flyers and finding the sales and items needed. It saves time and allows me to do other things.
Lists tell a story about the person making them. Sometimes it is fun to find someone's list left on the ground and see what goes on in the world.
Do you make lists?


With several children in a family, parents can be pulled in many directions. Out of town tournaments, dance competitions, school trips requiring a parent can be very taxing on a family. The parent remaining at home to hold the fort can be stretched even further with all the demands. As a grandparent, trying to help with some of it can be helpful and rewarding. Knowing that any assistance is appreciated makes it worthwhile. Of course, all the social events and birthday parties and school activities just make it more demanding. Car pools are okay but often with children of different ages it is not always easy for the parents to cope. Knowing when to cut back and when to allow all the events takes skilled scheduling. No wonder parents often feel very exhausted with their duties.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Being a Senior comes with some benefits. Pensions if retired. Drug plan. No need to job hunt. It also means to watch one's health vigorously. Try not to be foolish with doing things one did at a much younger age.
Looking towards leaving a legacy for the family. What would it be?? Enjoying the grandchildren and being an active member of the family system. Being the Wise Woman and knowing how to listen. Only suggest when asked. No copious advice giving to everyone. No- in my day we did it this way.
Using the old ways and the new ways. Yes I have photos printed, scrapbook, upload pictures and use digital- use all the ways.
I have nothing to prove to anyone. Only myself. To use each day well with meaning. Be kind. Be active. Be constructive. Use my hands and my mind.
Seniors can be as different as youth can be different. Middle age people are different.
Know it is not too late to learn a new skill, join a new group, sing a new song and make a new friend. Reconnect with old friends.
It took me a long time to admit I was a Senior. Working with younger people and experiencing ageism it was always good to downplay the Senior thing. Now that I am not in a Workplace but working on my own and at my own speed- yeah I can be a Senior.
Well it feels like any other age. I am just glad I reached it. Lost several family and friends along the way. So live life to the fullest but some days just living is okay too!!
How do you feel about Seniors? How do you like being a Senior? Are you a Senior or avoiding the label? Well do you even like labels.

Monday, October 15, 2018


7 bags of yard waste and 3 bundles of bush branches out today. There is something therapeutic about the number of bags to the curb. It is a visual way of seeing work accomplished. Many tasks in our lives are not so visual. So much of what we do in life that consumes our energy is invisible. So yard waste that demonstrates that the garden, the outdoor work is occurring. Despite the number of bags to the curb, my garden is lots of work. I do not feel that it will be as clean as I want for over the winter. But using the right tools helps. I finally am using my weed whacker which helps with pruning all my plants. I am actually very mercenary this time of year when pruning and cutting. Chop, chop, chop! The reason!! Everything will grow by with a vengeance in the Spring next year. I did enjoy my pots of vegetables on the back porch. Simple, easy work. My garden is too big for me. I see the future when I do not have a large yard and some simple pots of plants will keep me going.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


I don't mean if you are sly. Do you like to do things with your hands?Do you knit? Crochet? Paint? Woodwork.
Working with your hands can bring peace to your mind? Having a project on the go really works for mood. Besides at the end of the work you have a product.
A blanket for a loved ones! The number of items that can be made is endless!!

Friday, October 12, 2018


Finally capturing the white butterfly in my garden. But not knowing the name, does anyone have good butterfly knowledge? What is the name for my white butterfly.


Monday, October 8, 2018


If you are not doing your family history, this month is a good time to get started. It is family history month. Lots of information online to discover how to do it. For Ontario residents, start with the Ontario Genealogical Society.
Ontario Genealogical Society
There is so much information to get you fired about this family history stuff. For real beginners there are resources and support to get you started. For those who do genealogy when able, this month is a good time to revisit your work completed to date. Or it could be a time to get started on those stories or articles on portions of your family tree. Yeah for Family History Month.


After missing several days of walking due to a need to super clean the house and prepare for Thanksgiving and the family.
So a refreshing Thanksgiving Monday power walk was had.
Not the usual commuter traffic at Major Mackenzie and Yonge. No one really waiting for the buses. So able to stay focused on thoughts, the weather and the environment. Seeing the trees slowly turning to the beautiful autumn shades is a small joy in life.
Must return with my camera to take this row of trees that are no longer green.

Glad I took pictures recently of some construction paraphernalia as it has been removed.

It is a small area where I walk. I loop back on the same road to my house. But the simple images and noises keep my thoughts churning.
I also noticed tons of goose poop on the sidewalk. I thought those Canadian geese would have gone south already!!
Most of my thoughts were on the thankful moments of my life. A busy, noisy Thanksgiving dinner with members of all ages is one of life's joyous blessings. Preparing for the dinner is lots of work but enjoyable. I feel blessed I am still able to do it. Life changes us. One day the torch will be passed to another family member or members.
The walk was good too to get me back to a good exercise routine again. So part of my thanks is just doing the walk.
Why are you thankful this Thanksgiving Monday??

Friday, October 5, 2018


Harvest Home. A time for family and celebration of all we have and give thanks. Appetizers! Turkey and bread stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy. Along with all the trimmings like cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Vegetables can be plentiful. Squash and sweet potatoes from the year's yield.
Always the second Monday in October for Canadians. A little early this year but that's okay. Our dinner will be on the Sunday so lots of leftovers for Thanksgiving Monday.

Thanksgiving a time for family and good eating.

Thursday, October 4, 2018


I am an airport geek. I love to people watch. So while waiting for a family member to arrive at Terminal 3, Pearson Airport I had the opportunity on Tuesday. Just Canadian flights coming in and mostly West Jet so not those fun international flights with throngs of people. And no customs. Watching the arrivals board so knowing the flight was on time and when it landed. The people with the tour signs for their group. The Montreal flights and lots of French being spoken. The dazed look on people as they entered the terminal area from the baggage claim area. Where do I go now??? Two little girls with welcome signs for their person! Hugs and kisses for many! If you love the movie- Love Actually, the scenes at the Airport are my favourites. At the beginning and the end of the movie, a statement of humankind. There is little support for those of us who were waiting, few seats to rest our butts. So standing and leaning. I also watched the ground personnel. The security people did not give me much faith. Talking and not observing the crowd as I thought they should. I guess there are security cameras watching us but first observations and awareness of who is there is also important. The Social Worker in me to be aware of all behaviour and people around me at all times. Even if it seems like I not looking. I really am!! So a little Airport fix for me. Do you like airports? Do you like to people watch?


Canadian eh! A woman wins a physics prize. How wonderful. For laser treatment! All Canada is proud of her. I saw her speak at a news conference at the University of Waterloo. Intelligent. But her views on being a woman. Just do what you love that is good she said and you will make a difference in the world. It made me think about the many jobs that people do every day that make a difference in someone's life. What a wonderful day for her, the university and Canada. Way to go Donna! Just keep on teaching us about physics and your philosophy of life.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Years ago I would have house guests regularly. Not many for awhile. But this year it is happening again. I find getting the house in order more tedious than I recall. I want the guest room and bathroom to be in tip top shape. I have left some Thanksgiving cleaning to this week as there are areas of the house my guest will not frequent. The real truth is some areas of the house have been forgotten or overlooked due to my previous work schedule. Now with this retirement thing I have developed some new home habits. Start a task, have a middle and finish it. No more leaving things to be finished another day as I have that extra 20 minutes to half an hour to finish things. It is a good feeling. It does give a sense of control. So my house guest can drink a coffee while I continue to work and do and organize. However, I have a list of outings to do with my house guest. Fun is always important in life. So a movie or two, some shopping, some visiting are in the works. Have you had house guests lately? How do you prepare? As you age do you find it to be more work than previously?

Monday, October 1, 2018


When I think of October, I think of pumpkins, Thanksgiving and Halloween. I think of fall vegetables like squash- all of them and  fruit-apples- well all of them. More orange in the beautiful array of fall colours on our trees. Opportunities to take those fall pictures. Time to enjoy the outdoors before the really cold weather arrives. Well it has arrived in some parts of Canada but not here in my neck of the woods yet.
There can be some red too!!
Late day flowers for the garden like Mums but no Dads!!
The variety of pictures with leaves. Or just walking in them and hearing the noise of crunching under ones' feet!!
Oh October. A month with lots of good eating and some fun.