
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Anyone that moves to a new subdivision knows the meaning of this saying. First there's the dirt, then the new grass and the realization there is no privacy. When the fence is installed, no matter how small the yard there is a sense of privacy and ownership. With little children in a home, there is the ease of space to run but not to run away- like the street which always has a pull for little children. If you live next to a hoarder, it gives a wall between the garbage and your own yard. People with pets can have them poop in their own yards and not yours. Fencing designs have evolved. My wooden fence looks so dated compared to the modern ones. It does the trick with all the tall trees now to give a place to escape the world- not the noise though with the sound of traffic from Yonge Street! Everyone can create their own space with individual imaginations. Do you have a fenced in yard? Does it give you the privacy you need? If you could have an ideal yard, how would it look? I still would like a gazebo!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, if you live in the country far from neighbours, you don't need a fence. But, in the city, fences are essential for the reasons you've stated. One more reason for a fence in my area is to restrict the depredations of deer to the front gardens! They have destroyed my front lilies and are now moving to the hostas. I hate to think of them in my back yard and, thanks to the fence, that area is a delight to me and Marg.
