
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, January 27, 2020


Wash your hands. Wash your hands again. Do not touch your face. Do not touch your nose.

We have a new virus that is bringing concern.

Cough and sneeze into your sleeve.

If sick stay home.

Be honest about where you have traveled. If you have symptoms let health care professionals know.

But stop the spread of infection of any kind by good hygiene practices.

I have hand sanitizer by my front door. Wipe off surfaces of your home.

Stay away from crowds if your health is compromised.


As we move forward in life, we must remember the atrocities too.

75 years since the liberation from the concentration camps.

Honouring those who died and keeping their memories alive helps us as human beings to make sure it does not happen again.

Modern times and wars and conflicts bring casualties. So are we repeating the crimes of the past.

As Canadians, let's make sure the harm given to various communities does not continue to occur.

History can repeat itself. But let's stop it!!


Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Today I entered another decade of life. I turned 70. It seems not long ago I was 13. Life happened.

What a joy and a blessing to have reached this age.

Along the way there have been so many people that did not make it. A day old baby niece. High school mates dying at age 17. A friend of my brother age 21! A school principal age 38.
Two cousins and a good friend in their 50s. A special family member age 61 and another age 65.

Many patients and clients in my Social Work practice who died too young.

So by living life to the fullest as I can under all circumstances, it is my honour to enjoy my life because they could not. It is my responsibility not to waste it.

To embrace the day and the year and now a whole new decade.

Sure we all have up days and down days. That is life. But to make the most of all the cards we are dealt is the key to a meaningful life.
So what will this decade bring. Well that story will need to be told.

Monday, January 20, 2020


So January 20th which is also Martin Luther King Jr day is supposed to be Blue Monday. The day the bills come in from Christmas. Tired of winter.

But the sun is shining. The snow is cleared from the road and driveway.

Life seems good and bearable.

How to cope in winter? Well embrace it. Do something.

Eat cake.


Thursday, January 16, 2020


So does adversity really make you strong?

The old adage. If God brought you to it, then you can get through it?

But through it at what cost??

Yes people suffer adversity. But it does change people.

Not everyone comes out the other end better.

In the middle of dealing with adversity, often the advice given is to stay strong!! Advice by others not dealing with it. Easy to say but not easy to do.

What is strong anyway? Doing what needs to be done in adversity often is the only choice! Not strong just carrying on!!

Adversity can bring grief, anger, sadness, hopelessness, helplessness and maybe strength!! Sometimes hope for the better.

What would be the best advice?

Self- care. Eat well. Exercise. Get as much good support from family, friends and professionals.

Accept help in the home for loved ones. Hard to have privacy invaded but help is help.

Know who to trust. Not everyone will respect your privacy and any thoughts shared.

In reflection of your life, do you look back at times you coped and survived!! What worked for you?
What lessons did you learn?? Did those times change you? Was it for the better or did it make you jaded?

There can be adversity overload. Dealing with 10 things and the 11th was what pushed you over the edge!!

Yes do not be too judgmental of someone dealing with adversity!! In my Social Work career, I often would encounter patients and families who received all kinds of brutal suggestions for their situation. Much of my role was deflecting those statements for them and helping to find better coping strategies along with good emotional support from positive trusted people in their lives.

Adversity finds everyone sometime. So if judging someone, keep in mind your turn may come. If it doesn't lucky you!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Wonderful concepts.

Being Mindful of the world around you.

Meditation has been around as an endeavor for years.

My daughter wrote a wonderful post on her blog about her journey. A great read.
House of Kerrs

I don't meditate per se.

I have activities that have meditative qualities.

For example, certain knitting patterns means counting the stitches in my head as I go. The counting and knitting are calming and reflective. I concentrate on the stitches.

When I exercise, I count the number of times I do the exercise. For my weight routine, the number is 25.

I find this to be calming and relaxing. I do not think about anything. I am not trying to solve a problem. Just being in the moment with the activity. Clears my mind. Gets rid of negative thinking.

I tend to like an activity. It is just me.

However, walking is a good reflective exercise for me. So what did I do. I bought myself a birthday present of hiking boots. Not for now but the Spring. Perhaps putting hiking in my life will be a help too.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


The monumental task of reviewing, downsizing family binders and slowly going digital can take so much non-creative time.

I started to write family stories in detail about a year ago.

The task of scanning and adding photos, scanning and adding documents, citing my sources takes much longer than anticipated.

Research is fun for me. But having those ah ha moments and connecting some dots then the information needs to be filed in the appropriate file was becoming double work.

So with the new information, I go to the filed stories and add as I go. If I scan one photo I add it to the various stories where it belongs. For example, my inlaws and my husband can have the same photo.

So back tracking. I mentioned several posts ago that I wanted to give my grandchildren the information that they would want.

Starting with me and my husband.Their great-grandparents.- our parents. Then their great-great-grandparents who are my grandparents.

Those stories actually take them back several generations.

What occurred in writing these stories was the gaps? I knew information but no documentation for it.
So going back to the new census. Accessing the directories. I tried to answer the questions the grandchildren make like. So to the Internet and finding pictures of homes from Google Streetview of houses where I lived and of course where my parents lived. Adding those pictures to the stories.

For example, the Might's Toronto Directory from 1900 to 1966 gave so much valuable information on where the families lived. Tedious but enlightening.

I discovered on two couples how they must have met. They lived beside each other, same neighbourhood. So the address, the job and who was living there. Little tidbits.

So added the tidbit to that family member story. Discovering it could be added to another story.

The whole keeping organized becomes a task. So a one time deal of inputting where it belonged with the thought process of the moment. I still keep those notes.

We are told to cite sources. But also our thoughts of what was found and not found.

For example, one family lived in Toronto. But I could not find them on the 1921 Canadian Census. Even with trying wrong spellings. The Directory to the rescue. There they were in 1920, 1921 and 1922. Why they are not in the 1921 Census in Toronto needs to be resolved?

I still look at the paperwork piles and am slowing  discarding the duplicates, uploading to Evernote the original document, deciding what I want to keep as hard copies. Keeping a draft family tree at my side as it is so easy to forget people. I have one each drafted for my daughters as I get little tidbits from their inlaws and I can add as I find out information for them.

Short articles not about living people have been posted to my blog and several Facebook sites. I need to revise some to submit to the various genealogical branches for those newsletters. They do not want all the photos and raw documentation I have been putting in the family stories.

Yes I have donated irrelevant cemetery records, sources, pamphlets and some genealogical books to my local family history library. That task is ongoing and appreciated by the Librarian. Anytime I think I should keep everything I have a future vision of my girls chucking the stuff into a dumpster and so quickly make good use of the information. Add to the story. Upload. Get it on a Facebook group.

I try to share as much as possible with those groups. Again photos, documents, any tidbits of information.

So some family stories are now 30-40 pages. Photos sometimes will take a whole page so I am trying to find ways to write in the blank spaces that the photo page gives me.



The hoopla and fun of the festive season is over. Bills coming in. Decorations put away.

So how to cope with the winter season that always seems so much longer than Spring and Summer combined.

Embrace it. Get outdoors. Even for a short walk around the neighbourhood. If athletic, skate, ski, or whatever sport finds you.

Exercise of any kind helps the mental and physical state. So if not outdoors, do your own routine indoors.

Time to work on projects. I am sure many of you have them throughout the house. Early spring cleaning. Tackle those clutter corners.

Read. Yes books, magazines. Library visits get you out of the house.

Movies. If home during the day, matinees. Try those discount days. Here it is Tuesday. If an TV package, then there are many choices to watch at home too.

TV watching is great. But just sitting is not good for you. So exercise in front of it. Do a craft. Bills. Sort papers etc. So the watching comes with an activity.

Listen to music. Dance to it. Sing to it.

Board games with family. Cards. If no one, then play solitaire. Online or with real cards.

Connect socially. Being with others. Say hi to your neighbours. Talk to people at the store. Social engagement is so important. Being isolated is not. Make an effort to make that phone call, write that letter, send an email, text, write on facebook or however to stay to engaged.

Accept the fact and yes it is a fact that January blues exist. You are not alone. So push yourself to be involved and get going.
So what ideas can you give me? What do you do to overcome them?

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Skating, skiing, sledding or just walking in the snow is good for the family.

Living in Canada means cold weather and snow. How to use it wisely?

Even snow angels are fun. Make a snowman.

For older children, teach them to shovel the walk and driveways. It is a good winter chore for all.

And good exercise.

Being outside in fresh air is a positive thing. It helps to learn that all seasons can be enjoyed. I am tired seeing how many days to Spring. Enjoy the winter folks and parents.

If you have a yard, put the children there properly dressed to enjoy the outdoors.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


My husband turns 70 today. A milestone.

A grandson will turn 10 this year, no longer single digit.

Milestone events come with special cards and banners and lots of hoopla.

Celebrations are good for the soul. They make us stop and really smell the roses or in birthday celebrations eat cake and lots of goodies.

Taking lots of pictures with loved ones really works too. Creating those lasting memories. Remembering the happy times together!!

So what celebrations do you have in your life? How do you celebrate them? Do you make them special or just let them slide?

Friday, January 3, 2020


We all love the song in Frozen- Let It Go!! It works in the movie but also in life.

Holding on to past grudges, anger, things, well you get the picture as the list can be endless keeps us stuck. Keeps us not moving forward.

I read something. We can forgive but we do not have to forget. A wonderful idea and concept. But it is difficult to do.

We all have moments in our lives where we have been hurt or treated very unfairly. Some to the point of abuse and trauma.

For some those moments can come back as PTSD. To others being near the person or persons who hurt can bring up anxiety and memories. Some may need therapy. Some may use the strength of self, family and friends.

So how to let go.

It starts with acknowledgement. What are we holding on to?

Bring it out into the open!! Make it a manageable memory.

Examine it. Like in Narrative Therapy. The problem is the problem not the person. So the problem is the problem not the thing. The problem of not letting go.

Oh so it is just a thing. Like in decluttering- keep, sell, donate, throw out. So choose.

Remember it is the past not the present. Why hold on to it in the present moment? What to do with the memory? How to take the emotions out of negative ones? Recording it as history in our life may work. A part of it not all of it.

Thursday, January 2, 2020


January means Christmas is over except for those that celebrate January 6.

Working outside the home or in it brings those tasks and chores that need attention.

I call it my reprieve before the outdoor work starts again in April.

So projects get a good go this time of year.

My genealogical stories are coming along and almost ready to be printed for the children. Trying to reduce the pages as pictures take up so much room. Or can the blank spaces be used by them to add their own notes? These stories do not go to the Internet as they include too many personal comments that belong in the family only.

Generic stories with basic information will continue to be posted in this blog. I have had some luck with people connecting with more information to add to the stories.

Writing those short stories need to continue.

Always have a handwork project as I watch TV or movies or just sit quietly by the back window.

So January is getting back on the horse so to speak.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Everyone is saying- new day, new month, new year, new decade.

We like to measure time. But nature and the universe just tick along without any acknowledgement.

We welcome a new year with good food, hoopla, fireworks, kisses and hugs. It makes it fun to celebrate.

Stayed up until midnight and watched the celebrations on TV. The crowds looked like they were having a good time.

January is a good month. It means only 3 months until Spring. Two months of cold weather behind us. Time to embrace the outdoors. Bought some hiking boots from Hudson Bay.

It is also a month of birthdays. Some milestone ones. Turning 70.

So what will the year bring. Well I prefer to start a day at a time.

What can I do each day to make my life meaningful and good?
How about you? What are your plans for the year? Or are you like me and making each day count??