
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


How many times have I told you? You are not listening! I think these phrases come out of parents and grandparents mouths on a regular basis. Why do children not listen? Well, why do adults not listen? Perhaps the joy of the activity just prevails! Babies and toddlers can be redirected to something else. Older preschoolers, school age children and teenagers will have their mind set on something so listening has no rewards for them. Teaching the natural consequences of one's actions is one strategy. For example, if you touch the hot item, you will get hurt! Do we really want our children to be burnt. Physically removing the child from the prohibited activity comes with much heartache. Kicking, screaming can be results. Taking a toy away or stopping the activity do work. However, if you stop the car and turn around on a wanted activity, remember you must follow through and be at home with the sulky children. Tough love, always means you are not enjoying yourself either! So how do we get children to listen? Discipline and parenting means setting limits, being consistent with messages in a warm, supportive, loving environment. I love you but I do not like what you are doing or have done. No name calling! For me it is a regular struggle with my growing grandchildren. Safety is paramount so activities that are unsafe mean more struggles to teach and have the little ones listen! How do you help the children in your life learn to listen? What are your struggles?

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