
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


A new month always offers a chance for a new beginning. It is my favourite month as it is really the start of the real warmer weather. The trees and flowers continue to bloom. Althought this year, it felt like May from the middle of April with all the vegetation about 3 weeks ahead. My anniversary occurs in May so there is an opportunity to celebrate. I like to take a vacation week around the long weekend to give me some time to work outside, tidy inside and yes- a day trip or two! Eating outside starts to become the norm. After a day cooped up in the hospital, it is welcoming to sit and eat dinner on the back porch. As the days continue to become longer, renewed energy and the ability to be more physical. I try harder at staying up later. Do you have trouble during the winter months making it past 9 p.m. at night? I love the extra daylight as it means more can be done at night which seems like day! I like the idea there are 4 months of "summer" even though it is not officially summer until the end of June. Perhaps it is just psychological but it goes to my soul! May- renewel! Time to get going! Be outside! Enjoy the flowers, trees, birds, the walks, bike riding! How do you feel about the month of May? Is it just another month to you? Sometimes it is just the idea of doing and going that gets me charged! What gets you charged this time of year? If we do not find the time to do the things we enjoy, life can become a blur!

1 comment:

  1. Here, April flowers have brought May showers. Well, at least, for today. The light rain is welcome because it's fairly dry in our area. Our garden needs the moisture and the rain will reduce the risk of grass fires which we've had around the city lately.
