
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


With June approaching, the end of school activities consume a lot of time for parents. Then planning for the summer must start early. Deciding on a family vacation and where! Going to the family cottage or renting one takes effort of organizing two homes. Do the children have summer sports' activities like swimming, soceer, baseball or special camps like gymnastics, dance, math, computer or music.? Some parents send their children to weeks of sleepover camp eliminating any need to change their lives. Working and having children at home during the warm weather can be stressful. The day cares are open year round and often offer special day trips and summer activities.For the 11 or 12 year old it becomes tricky. Not wanting a babysitter, yet not old enough to be left alone all day, it is a huge dilemma for parents. Not old enough to get a summer jor or even one of those volunteer jobs that keep the child very occupied. Not wanting them sitting in front of a computer or tv all day either! Some parents will take separate week vacations from work to be with their children. No real family vacation but saves on the budget. Having activities on a daily basis for children is good. If math was the difficult subject, for example, activity books to work on math over the summer could be helpful. Books-yes reading can be an enjoyable activitiy. Using the library as a regular outing! Weekend day trips can be fun. To the beach, to the city, near us weekly jaunts to Wonderland with that seasonal pass and any family members that can join or even offer a day or sleepover for the children add some variety. Depending on the weather- will it be hot, wet, cool- can be the unforeseen factor in planning! Asking children what they want to do can be twofold- they can have particular interests but often children can be offered new opportunities that they may even like. Sounds really busy doesn't it? The less is more can be a good approach too. Rather than setting yourself up as a parent to run, run, run- plan for activities that let you relax too. Children can learn less is more too. Planning ahead though is your first defense because if you are already feeling tired from all the plans then it is a wakeup that maybe you are trying to make life too busy. There can be repetitive activities. A weekly picnic! A weekly family day at the beach! A weekly movie on discount movie night! Remember the grandparents do come in handy and can be one of the planned activities! How are you summer plans going? I remember as a parent with young children it was a struggle to offer them a rewarding summer. Plan and take some pressure off but leave some pockets for the unexpected times that may present themselves!

1 comment:

  1. I especially like the part about asking the kids what they'd like to do.
