
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


The Tsunami in Japan in March 2011 was devastating to so many people and areas of Japan. We are told the debris that is in the Pacific Ocean continues to head to North America and especially the coast of British Columbia in Canada. This week a fellow Canadian Mark Davis that likes to beach comb found a container with a motorcyle on a very remote beach. It was from debris from the Japanese Tsunami. Did he want to keep the find? No. His kindness to try to find the owner as it had Japanese license plates was to contact the Japanese Consulate. He wanted to know if the owner had survived. His first thoughts were about the person who owned it. The rest is history- Ikuo Yokoyama is alive and the owner. He lost family members, his home and probably lots of hope for his future. Harley Davidson in Japan is having the bike shipped home and will fix it before returning it to Ikuo. It's just a bike but it is something to give back from a terrible disaster. Both men want to meet each other. I feel proud to have a fellow Canadian with a good and generous heart. His first thoughts were to return the bike. Does it mean there are stories to unfold as the debris continues to hit our shores? Will there be a special connection between Canadians and Japanese? I hope so. Perhaps it is a lesson to see if there are other connections we can make as Canadians with other parts of the world. Mark you are a fine human being and like many other Canadians-very mellow and low key about the whole thing!

1 comment:

  1. With all the bad news we hear daily, it is good, indeed,to hear stories like this.
