
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Being around a toddler is quite fun. Listening and noticing how every day  language is developing from the age of 12 months to 24 months is incredible. From a few words and sounds to pointing and identifying many objects and things. Trying to put words together into sentences. Grammar, verb tenses and words increase. Continuing with all preschoolers to support and enhance language is important. It is also a time to try to teach another language if it is a goal. Even a few words in another language enhance knowledge.  Grandparents have a role in all language development too. Reading, identifying items in the environment and just talking to them encourages positive language development as well as vital communication patterns. Children need to be heard. Eye contact, attentive listening and often crouching down to the child's level to show them that what is being said is important. Of course, the most important word I never tire of hearing is Nana! I just loved it when the grandchildren knew I was Nana! Do you have fun around little ones? Do you enjoy hearing the language development evolve?


  1. I enjoy watching my kids teaching their kids to talk by pointing something out, saying what it is, and asking them if they can say the word. They get better and better, faster and faster. Of course, when they reach their teens, they regress and answer every question with the word 'fine'.
