
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


When we go on a southern vacation by the water, we seem to love the hot weather. At home it can be a different story. Workplaces can have the air conditioner cranked up to freezer like temperatures. Some like it cool while others do not mind a little warmth as it it is an opportunity to wear loose, cotton summer clothes and sandals. Needing to wear a sweater inside when the weather is hot outside is a little disconcerting. Hot weather does not help a person's mood. Do you ever notice anger rises its ugly head when people are too hot? Think of a traffic jam? Waiting in line at a store? Instead of feeling mellow that winter is over and the warm weather is here, many people are not ding the happy dance! In my home, I handle the heat differently than my husband. A compromise is to make the pull out couch in the living room into his bed on very hot days. No matter how much air conditioner the second floor does not cool down enough! He is happy to toss and turn there and I am not frustrated!  Basements are good.They were the old fashioned way to stay cool in the summer before everyone had houses with air conditioning. Have patience as anger is not a way to live! It is just a little heat! Do you adjust to the heat or are one that just complains? How do you cope on the very hot days?

1 comment:

  1. I don't enjoy temperatures above about 25, especially if accompanied by high humidity. Those days, I try to do outdoor stuff in the morning before it gets unbearable. Wearing shorts and t-shirts helps. Them I retreat to the air-conditioned home or mall.
