
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, May 18, 2012


I studied one  physics course in high school and decided to major in psychology in university. Recently, at Wednesday NICU rounds, the doctor mentioned a physics principle. He said do you know physics to us. I said sure I studied it in high school. The pharmacist on rounds said very smugly, well I studied it in university.  Did not think much  of it until I found a book written by a Physics professor from MIT called " For the Love of Physics."  Walter Lewin apparently would amaze his physics students with nifty ways to learn about physics. So needing to learn about something new, bought the book and on my Staycation week have been reading some of it along with other books. Okay, I was not a physics major. He simplified physics for his students who were probably more like Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory! I felt the need to learn about physics and to try to add some renewed knowledge to my life. It is actually a fun book to read. I am learning about physics. However, when he was talking about measuring stars and galaxies using simplified mathematical formulas my brain started to hurt. I understand the parallax measurement theory. The simplified formulas well they deserve a second or third read. Or not? I know why we are shorter standing up then when laying down! I know why the sky is blue! Do you? I know now why I did not major in physics! I'll take a psychology course anytime! Perhaps by the end of the book, there will be new ideas to incorporate in my blog postings or perhaps not. Maybe I will stick to what I know!

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