
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Along with creative outdoor play, the warm weather brings some renewed considerations. Bike riding safety is a must for older children and adults using helmets and reviewing the rules of the road. Remember riding on a sidewalk means the pedestrian has the right of way- please do not try to run people down! Street hockey is fun with a reminder to watch out for oncoming cars! Learning to drive does not mean drag racing on country or city roads- look at the number of fatalities every year! Sunscreen, sun hats and bug spray should be a part of daily life. On the very hot days- drink liquids to keep up proper hydration for the little ones and the old ones! Revisit the traffic rules- how to cross the street safely! If you like air conditioning, keep it at a normal setting! Freezing homes and hot outdoors are fodder for spring and summer colds! Since I have an allergy to bee and wasp stings, benedryl is a part of my stash of emergency items. There are allergy creams for both children and adults along with after the bite sticks that help with any bug bites! Take care of any little cuts as ordinary garden dirt is full of germs! Love the warmer weather and outdoors! Do you have any other suggestions for a fun and safe time? Do you have your stash of warm weather items?

1 comment:

  1. Well, I do have a beverage fridge in the basement. Does that count?
