
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, October 21, 2011


As a matter of fact, most avid family historians are always hunting for that elusive great-great-great-grandmother so another surname can help the journey back in time. Despite modern times and thinking, the baby boy is still preferred over the baby girl in many cultures. To carry on the surname! Superior! Makes the Dad look important! There are many hypenated names that include both parents' names or the middle name can be the mother's last name. In genealogy it takes two- we want to know about the pairs- the 2 parents, the 4 grandparents, the 8 great-grandparents and so on! To think an advanced discipline that does not discriminate against one sex! Perhaps genealogy needs to carry its message to the world. Although it is one of the more popular hobbies, some people still miss the point of its real purpose. Family lines include everyone. The maternal influence is equal to any paternal influence. The names, the history, the country, all include great stories in any family story. Do you have family stories that include all your womenfolk? Isn't it exciting when another name is found? Love of genealogy has been one of my passions for over 26 years. Now with more information on the Internet, it is easier to find missing pieces to your puzzle. Or perhaps you are a lucky one that has someone in your family that has completed your histories? Tell me your story-I would love to hear!

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to have my own genealogist ... it's great to know one's family history. This weekend, there'll likely be another Ellis to add, as Mike and Tasha await their overdue little baby girl.
