
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


In my professional and private life many people have trouble accepting someone they love actually has dementia. A little memory loss! Some cognitive decline! No it can't be dementia. Well, folks it is. Get the help you need and the understanding. I am not going to give some 5 minute definition- look it up on the Internet as there are lots of sites and definitions, symptoms and treatment plans. When someone withdraws from life, does not care about hygiene, not eating, not drinking, sleeping alot and often does not know who the hell you are then it is advanced. The understanding comes from forgiving the person for being so advanced and stop blaming the person for the behaviour. Just give love, support, understanding and allow the person to leave this earth with dignity and not contempt, criticism for refusing to accept any help from the caregivers.  People get old and get dementia. Remember the good times! Stop blaming the person and be angry at the disease! If you have someone with dementia, then patience and acceptance is important. Do you think dementia is a dirty word? Then shame on you!

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