
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Whatever will be, will be! Was a favourite song from the 1950's! I find myself singing it alot lately in light of the current events in my life. Or I find myself saying aloud to others- it will be what it will be! Some events are simple- set a date and make plans. Other events keep us in limbo! Try to be prepared as best one can under the circumstances! The stress of the unknown can be overwhelming at times. So using the standard strategies of getting through a hard time- sleep, eat nutritionally, less is more, slow down and take time to do the tasks at hand! Reach out and hug someone! How do you deal with stress when facing the unknown? Or do you find yourself singing Che sera, sera!!


  1. Not being a great singer, I like the reach out and hug someone method of coping. I'm sending you one now ... there, didn't that feel good?

  2. Yes it did! Thanks kindly!
