
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Life is often described as a journey. We are on a road and sometimes come to intersections. Decisions must be made about which way to go. Sometimes we pick a smooth road, sometimes a bumpy road. Sometimes the road is closed for repairs and we have to detour. The choice of which way we go can be ours sometimes but sometimes it is not! Choices in life can entail so many aspects. What to have for dinner, which movie to see, setting our alarm for a specific time each morning. The hard choices are how to deal with a crisis in our lives that we did not chose- death, job loss, ill health, problem child, relationship difficulties, well you know the list! You probably have one of your own. We run into people all the time that complain about how busy they are and do not have a choice. For example, I had such an encounter last week- just asking a colleague if he was going to attend Grand Rounds that morning- I am so busy, so many meetings, I only have less than 1/2 hour daily to see my children! Does he have a choice? What do you think? Picking a hectic, busy career is a choice! Not seeing your children to accomodate a job is a choice! What about- I want to get ahead in life so I am postponing having children- a choice. Might not be a choice if waiting causes difficulty in conceiving! Or I am going to have my child in 15 activities so he/she can every opportunity so I do not have time to read a book, phone a friend and can only eat takeout because there is not time to cook- a choice! Maturity comes with making choices that are meaningful in our lives. Can there be sacrifice? Probably! We chose to back away from an argument quietly. We can chose to alleviate our boredom by doing something creative. We can make simple, daily choices that may lead to a happy life if we chose well! Choices, roads- which one are you on?

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