
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I bought these souvenirs in Rome on one trip years ago near the Chiesa della Verita- The Church of the Truth. The large one in the wall tells visitors to put your hand in and if you tell the truth you can pull it out. If you lie, the mouth will close on your hand. It is amazing how many people just take pictures and do not put their hand in the mouth. Why would honest people worry? It is not a lie detector. Just a myth and a fun thing to do. What is it about the truth? Philosophers for centuries have debated this moral virtue. Don't lie, tell me the truth is a Mommy saying! Whose truth? Whose side of the story? If you are a psychopath, you could put your hand in the mouth without a fear! Being truthful means to be trusted! Once someone has lied to us, it is funny that anything we are told after is always questioned, even if in our heads and not out loud to the person! It is such a noble virtue that most really truthful people will admit to an occasional little white lie! Do you like my new hair style? Yes, it looks so good on you! Did not want to hurt the person's feelings! To little children- you did a good job on making the bed- even if it is lumpy! Did not want to hurt those little feelings! We can cushion our words so they do not come out as a lie- white or otherwise! As long as you like your hair that's all that matters! Did you do your best in making the bed- then it is a good job! Do we always want to tell our spouse or friends the truth about their annoying habits? Do we will really want to hear about ours?  Is not telling being dishonest or just considerate? We sometimes say, I did not tell you the whole story! So are you ready to put your hand in the mouth? Would you risk it? The truth and nothing but the truth very hard to do all the time. The truth is I try my best to be as truthful as possible without being unkind. Sometimes I just keep my mouth shut! That's the truth!

1 comment:

  1. As my mother used to say, if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything ...
