
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Do you have family members or friends with young children who work? It is a challenging road to take. Those with Nannies in their home do not struggle like the parents with Day Care or Babysitting pickups. What to do with older children who do not want anyone to watch them, yet by law are not old enough to be left alone, and better yet left to watch younger children. I remember the rush home after work to meet the Day Care pickup time. My mother had relocated to another province and my mother-in-law worked fulltime. Both could help occasionally with a Saturday night sleepover or if Mom was visiting watching the children while I went out but were not available as regular backup. Grandparents can play a significant role if close to their adult children. Not taking over the care but being available to alleviate some of the pressure. Letting a child be with loving family while other tasks are accomplished. If a parent can grocery shop child free, so much more is accomplished. Having a special day with grandparents is a treat. One of my brothers and his wife have two grandchildren every Friday: everybody wins- children have fun and the adults get to be like children. The parent knows the little ones are in loving hands. Adolph and I assist our children as needed- their support team. Of course, if the girls need some home cooked meals during their work week, yes you guessed it, he is always willing to accomodate. The grandchildren are establishing a relationship with the older generation. Do you help support your children? Do you go the extra mile as needed? Letting little ones share your life while you are helping the family system is always rewarding. If you have responsible adult children, they will not abuse the help either. What do you do to help your children? In return, how do they help you?

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