
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Bundling up the little ones in cold weather can be a challenge. Snowsuits are bulky. I always think of the scene in The Christmas Story where the little boy can not move. Hats and scarves are often pulled off as soon as they are applied. Good snow pants that can be pulled up quickly help. Having blankets in the car to put across the children helps if there is resistance to keeping zippers zipped. I always have extra scarves, mitts in the car as well. Parents have the daunting task of extra clothes.So in case something is forgotten in the daily rush, there is a little backup plan. The difficulty comes with the resistance to dress and undress several times daily. I remember battles at the Day Care with my children. Being tired and just wanting to go home tries anyone's patience. Then the older children! On my walk to work there is a High School across the street and I have observed this teen generation. Running shoes and no boots! Spring jackets instead of winter ones. Hats- I guess they are not cool. Are red frozen ears cool? Times have not changed as I remember classmates who dressed inappropriately for winter! There is always the front door mess of boots, coats, where to dry wet mittens? Perhaps some leniancy until Spring. Taking deep breaths and assertively tackling the activity works. Often having warm layers on your children help too. My grandchildren are typical of the struggle faced by most parents. Observing their behaviour has reminded me what a daunting task it can be. How do you manage the winter clothes? Have you found a way to make a game about it? Of course if one lives in one of the colder areas of Canada, it may be less of a struggle! You could just say, go ahead and freeze! Keep the door open as the child runs back in for warmer clothes!

1 comment:

  1. ... at least, these days, velcro fasteners on boots and jackets helps the struggling parents a bit ...
