
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Well yesterday was supposed to be the most depresssing day of the year. Christmas bills in, winter dragging, second 5 day week-you get the picture. Actually I find this year to be very busy with new responsibilities and projects I do not feel the blahs but pressure trying to find the time and energy to accomplish what needs to be done. For example, a 30 minutes time slot to clean the utility closet became a 3 hour job over the weekend as there was more sorting and sifting through boxes than anticipated. However, the closet has never been cleaner and some clutter has found a new home!! Winter energy is different than the summer. Does the decreased sunlight have such a significant effect? I think so. After dinner, it is difficult to get motivated to do things- anything. If I start watching the news, I can be lulled into a little nap. Trying to stay awake past 9 p.m. is a challenge. So I have time to be used that just need an energy boost! I try to set daily goals with manageable tasks. Being a morning person, I actually got out of bed at 5:20 a.m. this morning. The good news is the sun is returning to us so perhaps my nocturnal tiredness will be diminished by the light. Or maybe I will buy a big sunlamp! Are you feeling the blahs? Or are you just too busy to think about them?

1 comment:

  1. Every 30 minute job takes 3 hours: it's a rule I learned about long ago. I have good reason to be 'blah' today. A week ago, it was +6C. Today, it's -25C. I'm looking forward to going south in March!
