
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


It was not a lot of money but while checking a pile of lottery tickets recently I rediscovered why it is a good habit to double check any activity. Little amounts and one free ticket were found but worth the checking. Even writing this blog is grounds to check and review what is written. I discover the use of the same words in the same paragraph, for example. There are times I am making a point so do use the same words in my whimsical blogs. Sometimes my sentences do not make sense when I read them again. In the hospital all diagnostic images are read by two clinicians for accuracy. Nurses double check the medication count. Editors are fierce but keep all of us on our toes. My worst critic is my husband who likes to point out errors especially if I try to write a sentence in Italian! Of course, the math used to balance a home account. If it looks like I have too much money left over after doing the bills, I check again. Then the suitcase needing all the right items for a trip. Lists and checking! That's why vacations in Canada are good because we know we can find the same stores across the country where the same item costs the same price in case anything is forgotten! Like one of my favourite stores- Shoppers Drug Mart. It has the same layout whether you are in Ontario or British Columbia!  Too much checking though can be part of an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder so be wary not to cross that line!

1 comment:

  1. Rule number one: double check that the clerk gave back your credit card to you. Once I didn't, while on a road trip, and had to drive back a couple of hours to get mine.
