Outside the National Gallery in Ottawa is this spider sculpture. Fun to see, walk under and take pictures. I love this shot because it dwarfs the church in the background. Blending old buildings with new ideas is like life. We use the experiences we have to take on the new aspects of our life.Is life imitating art? Or is art imitating life?
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Aging at whatever age takes a toll us. First grey hair, first wrinkle, first time you realize that after 30 you really can not keep the weight off as you once did. Do we need botox to feel young? Is it so terrible to have laugh lines? It really means that laughter is part of our lives. Then the view that some cultures do not wrinkle and others do. So if you have no wrinkles at 80 what does it mean. Eating well, exercising helps us all to live well. Keeping the weight down but not straving to be thin is good for us. In Health care, people with good plastic surgery can look wrinkle free but it does not guarantee a good bill of health. A hip fracture after a fall does not have a better outcome due to non-puffy eyelids. By all means do what you want for yourself. I colour my hair- not ready to look totally grey! But I know I disappoint many of my younger colleagues because I feel good about me. Walk to work! Energy to chase my grandchildren! Eat the right foods but do have a weekly cheat day! Life is too short not to eat sweets, cake or drink a little wine. I stretch my face sometimes to see how I might look if I had some work done. Then I say who is that person! I faced a strong reality long ago- I will never be 25 again and guess what I do not care. I like how I feel- so far no medication for any health issues. Perhaps I look my age- eh, so what. I smile alot and try to laugh alot- good heavens laugh lines! I feel blessed I was able to reach this age. Like many people in life, how many friends and relatives died younger than we did and did not have the luxury to reach our age. What is more important to you? How you look? How you feel? The secret for me is I feel good therefore I like the way I look. Sometimes with evening makeup and a colourful outfit can even improve both. What do you think? Or does it really matter at all?
Sunday, May 29, 2011
While babysitting my grandchildren last night, their behaviour and defiance was becoming a little unruly after several hours. As we all know threatening with "I'll tell your mother", yelling, and no I did not spank the children -as I really do not believe hitting teaches anything- do not work. I was really not enjoying myself. After bath time, again they were becoming just too excited and did not want a story but wanted to pile all the books to the ceiling. Well you get the picture! I saw my opportunity with a Sesame Street Game- Felt board with little characters and objects. I resorted to therapist mode and used a Play Therapy technique. I needed to gain some control of the situation and enjoy them. "Hey kids, I have an idea. " We took turns at telling a story together on the felt board with all the characters. For the second and third story the grandkiddies taking turns wanted to tell the story themselves. Calming, creative and engaging! I was able to sit back, engaged with them but able to enjoy their process. They liked it. Hugs and kisses and one child put to bed while the older one stayed up with Nana a little longer. Children can be relentless in pushing our buttons- especially if we are tired to start. As grandparents, we want to be supportive of the parents who need a break to go out as a couple. We know it is good for their marriage. The little ones are with a trusted person who loves them. Do you have moments with your children or grandchildren where the behaviour is pushing you over the top? Do you just want to enjoy them but find it is difficult? What have you tried to capture the moment lovingly and creatively? Do you have any difficult situations you want to discuss? Perhaps we can review and find some creative solutions together!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Do you know people that say I don't like politics. I avoid it! Whether you like it or not politics is everywhere. Political parties- who do you vote for? Sexual politics- male versus female. Office politics. Club politics. Group politics. City versus country politics. Provincial politics- my province is better than your province!!! Youth versus old age politics. Hospital politics. Family politics. The politics of conversation! University politics. It is important to protect your back by understanding politics. A dictionary definition tells us it is the art and science of government; or an organizational process or principle affecting authority, status. We all could give our own definition and what it means to us. How you tried to avoid politics in your life? Have there been times it has hurt you? Have you ever been caught off guard then enmeshed in political areas of your life? Tell my what you think!
Friday, May 27, 2011
It is interesting in life how buildings side by side can transform our thoughts to history and the connections made to modern times. A church steeple was often the highest point in a community, serving as a vantage point for villagers. Now cities with their glass towers create their own landmarks for all to see. Do we ever question why we build higher and higher? Why do places throughout the world want the biggest and tallest? Of course in large cities where the price of real estate is costly more people and businesses can be crammed into a small property. Buildings of all ages have their own beauty. When clustered together in a row make an interesting landscape and can define the uniqueness of that particular city. Can anyone identify the buildings in Montreal? The picture was taken as we were trying to find our hotel on our recent trip. Even the reflections in the glass are interesting to me. Do you have similar photos of a city's downtown? Do you even like cities? Or do you prefer the country? Or just a combination of both depending on your mood?
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
negative, the problems in any situation. Positive,
optimistic people try to see the silver lining even when
there are many dark clouds. If we actually kept a list
of all the events in our lives, we may discover there are
many neutral events- neither good nor bad, just life!
My recent trip is a case in point. Try to prepare and think of all the possible crisises. Guess what- a good trip with some highlights- like the torrential storm on a part of the drive- of course it was my turn driving! Otherwise, went away safely and returned safely- and the house was still standing and the basement dry! All family members were just fine!
Sometimes the old memories of difficult times resurface and the anxiety plays tricks on us. Preparation is good but letting life happen is better. Can you even tell from the picture it was rainy day in Ottawa? Of course, I was juggling my camera with one hand while I held the umbrella with the other one. Can be positive and prepared at the same time, eh?
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
As the spring bulbs continue to spring, the vegetable gardens across the country are starting to emerge. The rule of thumb is to wait for the Victoria Day weekend. Sometimes enthusiastic gardeners may plant earlier but take their chances of the frost potential. This year with the cold weather and cold ground it has been difficult to plant earlier. One year I planted two rows of beans at the beginning of May with cold temperatures. The beans I planted the end of May emerged at the same time as the earlier ones. So planting when the conditions are right, is the best method. Of course, the farmers plant ample vegetables across the country. There are always lots of vegetable stands to buy fresh veggies throughout the season. Adolph, being Italian born, must have a few tomatoe plants in the backyard! It also keeps him out of trouble if he has some work to do! Do you have a vegetable patch? Are you one of our farmers that keeps food on our tables?
Monday, May 23, 2011
I was also glad we picked that park. Artists had painted large tulips in various artistic expressions. Previously, other cities have had a similar theme. Chicago several years ago had local artists decorate usually with paint- the same cow shape sculpture. In Toronto, about 10 years ago there were the moose sculptures all over the city with various designs. In both previous exhibits, the items were actioned and were bought by private collectors or businesses.
We saw the tulip sculptures at various locations throughout Ottawa. It is a neat way to help local artists show their creativity and very colourful.
Have you seen a similar theme where you live? Is there a special animal or item you think would make a wonderful project in your community?
Sunday, May 22, 2011
No matter how fit we think we are, gardening has a way of helping us exercise all those muscles that have been dormant for the winter. The bending, the digging, the pulling of weeds, the planting, the hauling of stuff in the wheelbarrow, the cutting and pruning all use many different areas of our bodies. In my younger years I could do a good 8 hours of gardening at a time on weekends. Coming home during the weekdays to do 2-3 hours before bedtime. Now I can go for about a 4 hour stretch before deciding it's enough. During the week maybe I putter for a good hour after work. The fresh air is always good. The birdies singing! The smell of different flowers- now it's the lilies of the valley that are fragrant. In about another week, those muscles I am feeling will be fit. As for now, I just keep working those muscle groups- no matter how painful! Do you feel the workout from your gardening experiences?
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Victoria Day long weekend is the first of the summer season, although technically it is still spring. Many people hit the road on Friday to go to their cottages or out of town to visit friends or tour. We are like many people. Stay home and work in the garden, enjoy a barbecue on a Saturday night with a favourite beer or glass of wine. If it rains there is always a movie to see. Monday is fireworks time. As a child, I loved this weekend for the fireworks. It just seemed so special. There was always the burning of the schoolhouse as the last one. Sparklers were a great hit and just did not last long enough. We used to buy some fireworks for the girls when they were little having our display in our backyard. Now I just watch from my bedroom window. There are some big displays in public parks but we do not make the effort to go. During the summer Ontario Place in Toronto has an international fireworks competition. Oh- long weekends- an extra day away from work and then the four day workweek! Lots of work but somehow my pace is slow. One weed at a time, one vegetable row at a time, the garden will evolve at its own pace!
How do you spend your long weekend? Do you have just work in mind or are you having some relaxing time too? What is your favourite long weekend?
How do you spend your long weekend? Do you have just work in mind or are you having some relaxing time too? What is your favourite long weekend?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Returning from several days to Montreal then Ottawa reminds me of the many road trips I have taken. Canadians coast to coast take road trips. Some a few hours away to a favourite campground. Others to see family in other parts of the country or in the United States. Some to see areas of Canada that are so beautiful. Why did we chose Montreal and Ottawa? It is on my bucket list to see Paris in the Springtime. Could not afford it this year so Montreal has French speaking people and a certain- je ne sa quoi! Want to see the tulips in the Netherlands one day. Love to visit nation's capitals. Well there was the Tulip Festival in Ottawa and it is our nation capital. It was a region of Canada that Adolph and I have not seen together so a short trip- 6 hours to Montreal and 5 hours to Ottawa was manageable for a few days. Besides we could use Canadian money and knew all the Canadian places to eat- Tim Hortons, Swiss Chalet, but in Montreal there is the smoked meat. Ate at a famous place- Reubens on Rue St. Catherine. Adolph had his smoked meat! Me- I had the Reubens, what else! There will be more tales on our trip. Now after putting the main accessories and clothes from the trip away, the conculsion of any road trip is to enjoy one's own bed again! Tell me your tales of your road trips. What are your favourite places? Do you have something planned for the summer?
Monday, May 16, 2011
For my 25th anniversary, I made a special anniversary quilt that now hangs in my front hallway. For my 40th anniversary, I compiled a commemorative 40th anniversary photo album for Adolph and me and one each for our girls and families. It began as a 20 page collection of pictures collaged by themes on a 8X10 page but grew to over 86 pages with heading dividers between theme areas. I wrote a letter rather than a card to the girls explaining the process. Here is a copy of what I wrote them.
May 15, 2011
Dear Girls-Natasha and Sonya,
and to your families.
Today marks the 40th anniversary of our wedding.
For a special gift to you both, a commemorative 40th anniversary photo book was compiled to
reflect and record some of the highlights of our lives.
During February, over 40 albums were reviewed and pictures chosen for the project.
It was quite an emotional journey as many people are not with us today.
Remembering other times brought back so many memories.
Our youth, our early married lives and then the births of our two most precious people-
was quite heart warming.
To be where we are today and still standing on our own two feet has been possible because of the love of family.
Enjoy and know your parents love you very much. We are so proud of your accomplishments
but more importantly that you are two wonderful, fine human beings. We are so glad you have been such a valued part of our lives.
Dad and Mom
It was a real labour of love and creativity. Some pages had over 12 pictures arranged together with stickers and other symbolic items to reflect the page's theme. Watching my girls finally looking at the books was a real joy and made our anniversary celebrations complete. Taking time to do special projects no matter how large or small can have such long lasting rewards.
Have you done a special project for a special occasion? Did you enjoy the final result and what it meant to people?
May 15, 2011
Dear Girls-Natasha and Sonya,
and to your families.
Today marks the 40th anniversary of our wedding.
For a special gift to you both, a commemorative 40th anniversary photo book was compiled to
reflect and record some of the highlights of our lives.
During February, over 40 albums were reviewed and pictures chosen for the project.
It was quite an emotional journey as many people are not with us today.
Remembering other times brought back so many memories.
Our youth, our early married lives and then the births of our two most precious people-
was quite heart warming.
To be where we are today and still standing on our own two feet has been possible because of the love of family.
Enjoy and know your parents love you very much. We are so proud of your accomplishments
but more importantly that you are two wonderful, fine human beings. We are so glad you have been such a valued part of our lives.
Dad and Mom
It was a real labour of love and creativity. Some pages had over 12 pictures arranged together with stickers and other symbolic items to reflect the page's theme. Watching my girls finally looking at the books was a real joy and made our anniversary celebrations complete. Taking time to do special projects no matter how large or small can have such long lasting rewards.
Have you done a special project for a special occasion? Did you enjoy the final result and what it meant to people?
Since my husband is a smoker he often leaves an event to go outside for a cigarette. At our 40th anniversary celebration, he went outside but was followed by another guest at the restaurant. She told him she forgot her cigarettes and asked if she could have one. Jokingly, I asked are you sure she was not hitting on you? Adolph who has gained some weight over the last 40 years- responded- "what do you think she was thinking- if she kisses this toad, I will turn into a prince!" Well even a few pounds heavier, he is my prince!
Is ususally a statement at celebrations. No matter how filling the meal there is always room for cake. Little children benefit from those mini-cakes- cupcakes as they are easier to eat, don't need a fork! There are shows on the Food Channel that feature speciality cakes. There are cake competitions. Some people love to bake cakes some people love to buy cakes. What is your favourite cake? Do you agree- cake belongs at our festivities?
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Today is our 40th anniversary
. Adolph and I will be celebrating quietly with the children and grandchildren. We are going to a Brunch at the Doctor's House in Kleinburg then for cake at home. Last week we had pictures taken at Thornhill United Church where we were married. It was my grandson's baptism and was a wonderful opportunity to take a meaningful picture of all of us. The girls were married there too. All the grandchildren have been baptized there.
Life sometimes takes us in that circle. On our wedding we did not look forward to expect children or grandchildren. It has been part of our living. What an amazing part!
Marriage certainly can be a roller coaster ride. It has all the emotions at times. Good times, bad times, hard times! Sometimes it is just important to stick it out through all the times.
Loving someone through all the times does take courage. Coming from generations of family with many divorces, being married and staying married has been a real commitment.
Loving the person and being loved- warts and all is the basis for a marriage. Of course, there are those that need to leave an abusive relationship or the love has ended and I respect those people.
One amazing anniversary celebration was our 25th anniversary trip to Rome. In past blogs, I have written about those funny stories. Hopefully there will be more tales to tell.
Here's to couples of many years and to those just starting out together! Here's to family and love of family! Here's to those who lost a partner and are remembering the years together!
Tell me your marriage stories. Why do you stay together? What do you love about your current relationship?

Life sometimes takes us in that circle. On our wedding we did not look forward to expect children or grandchildren. It has been part of our living. What an amazing part!
Marriage certainly can be a roller coaster ride. It has all the emotions at times. Good times, bad times, hard times! Sometimes it is just important to stick it out through all the times.
Loving someone through all the times does take courage. Coming from generations of family with many divorces, being married and staying married has been a real commitment.
Loving the person and being loved- warts and all is the basis for a marriage. Of course, there are those that need to leave an abusive relationship or the love has ended and I respect those people.
One amazing anniversary celebration was our 25th anniversary trip to Rome. In past blogs, I have written about those funny stories. Hopefully there will be more tales to tell.
Here's to couples of many years and to those just starting out together! Here's to family and love of family! Here's to those who lost a partner and are remembering the years together!
Tell me your marriage stories. Why do you stay together? What do you love about your current relationship?

Saturday, May 14, 2011
Occur for many reasons. Couples are as different as snowflakes, yet share similar qualities. Many people stay married to raise the children and for sex. If anyone were to ask me how I have been married for so long, I always say- have a sense of humour! Life is very serious with our emotional roller coasters at time so the humour helps to bear it. Besides my husband is a cute "clutz", he makes me laugh. Any relationship, friendship, work colleagues can benefit from humour! I do not laugh at Adolph- I laugh with him! Do you have an answer for marriages that last? What is your advice? Do you know couples that have lasted the years together?
Friday, May 13, 2011
Can bring out the superstitious people. Actually a lot of good things can happen on the 13th. Had a nephew who has a 13th birthday. If you won money on the 13th, it sure would be good luck. Bad luck can happen any day, the same as good luck! What are your special avoidances?Step on a crack, break your mother's back. Don't walk under a ladder- who would want to walk under a ladder anyway! Someone could drop something on your head. A black cat- they really make good pets. Everything happens in 3's- I wish sometimes 4's, 5's, 6's- well you get the picture. We all have some little rituals- I check my lottery tickets on Sunday afternoon. Mostly, if I were to win and had to wait until Monday morning to go to the Lottery office, no sense being excited for too many days. Is it superstitious or just a habit? My husband's Italian group has some interesting ones- don't make wine or tomatoe sauce when the woman is menstruating- will sour the wine or the sauce. Why because she is crabby or what? If you have a back problem, get a woman who is expecting twins to walk over your back! Firstly, it is hard to find a woman who is expecting twins. I know we won the golds in hockey at Salt Lake City because there was a loonie in the ice! Perhaps or was it because the teams were good! Don't care- we won! Do you have any funny superstitions worth mentioning? Do you avoid things due to any superstitions? Tell me-it's okay, nothing bad will happen to you!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011


As a member of the lily family, it had its origins in Asia and made its way to the Netherlands. Along with other spring bulbs it was cultivated and included in their flower industry. In our North America gardens, it is a hardy flower that survives the severe winter and emerges each Spring. It is the most fragrant flower in the garden as the colours are a welcome sight amongst the brown dirt.
I love it as it is just a beautiful addition and like other bulbs does not last long enough. Do you include hyacinths in your garden? Do you love the fragrance?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
For our 30th anniversary, we had a house party. About 40 people, friends, relatives, the kids' friends. Would have been more but some people just could not make it! Had music from the 60's and 70's playing. Put out the wedding and honeymoon albums. It was a Hawaiian theme as we had honeymooned in Hawaii. Each person given a plastic lei to wear. A picture of us with each guest or couple was taken separately by the cake. We received some lovely gifts which was not expected but nice. We used the pictures in our thank you cards. It was a good way to make sure there was a photo of all the guests with us. Celebrations of special events are a way to make the ordinary aspects of life memorable. On our 17th anniversary we planted a birch tree. Have you done special activities to celebrate anniversaries, birthdays? Tell me your tales!
We had the opportunity to watch two little baby red squirrels playing when the grandchildren were visiting. Days later, my little grandson is still talking about the babies. Spring has new life all around us. So many ideas have Spring symbols- a time of rebirth! Each day the trees are becoming greener and greener. People are out and about- walking, buying flowers, sitting on front porches. It is a cooler May but still the sun is shining. More song birds are singing- do they have some new babies! A visit to the Zoo to see new arrivals is next on the agenda! The garden keeps revealing all the perennials that have been buried waiting to emerge. Are you like a Spring baby? Has your energy been reborn? Are you finding yourself outside more enjoying the renewel of life? Feel badly for those with allergies this time of year! Hope you are not one of them!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Our little grandson was baptized yesterday in the United Church of Canada. A joyous family day and a commitment to continue our faith. Regardless of what religion you practice, believing and trying to live a good life is truly a thank you to God. Children learn from a young age to view the world with care and compassion. Then there is the power of prayer. Do you have a story of how your faith helped you? Do you believe in prayer?
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day everyone! Around the world, mothers are tending to their children. Able to multi-task, the many daily demands are accomplished. Mother is so basic to all of us- she loves us, feeds us, disciplines us and allows us to go out into the world to have our own lives. When hurt we call for our Mother. If caught on camera at a news event, we wave and say hi Mom! If you lose your mother in childhood, the loss is immense for the rest of your life. Being a Mom and now a Nana-grandmother, the joy of seeing my children grow, marry and have children has been the reward. There are good times, hard times and times to perservere but the life's journey is worth it. Mom is like the Pasta Frajoli- a mixture of protein items, mixed together that creates an aroma in the home that is comforting and welcoming. To Mothers everywhere, enjoy your day! What are your thoughts about your mother? Are you missing her? Capture the good memories and reflect!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Many times in life we have many different activities or stresses on the go. It seems that life is going in all directions. Then it happens things fall into place and we put all the pieces of our life together for a short time. Like in the Spring with garden cleanup and planting and cutting the grass the first time. The task seems unsurmountable but we plug away at it. Planning for a party, a trip, a special occasion- and then it comes together. Are you busy trying to get a project, party, event finalized? Just keep going and it will come together!
Friday, May 6, 2011
As Adolph and I celebrate our 40th anniversary this month, I am beginning to reflect on past anniversary stories. I remember another story from our 25th anniversary trip to Rome in 1996. We had been waiting one evening for a bus to take us to a dinner location in Rome- waiting and waiting until we read the sign outlining the bus schedule that the bus had stopped running 45 minutes ago on that route. I think we hailed a cab. The next day we had visited one site then went to another bus stop to go to another location. Waiting for 5 minutes, thinking maybe it was like the night previously, the bus was not running, we decided to walk. Just as we left the bus stop and were heading around the corner the bus came roaring by us. We started to laugh but when I noticed a young man on his scooter looking at the two of us, I started to laugh even harder. He was probably thinking- turista, che pazza! Crazy lady tourist!
Then after all the walking. Adolph said my feet hurt- I think I flattened my arches! Do you have funny travel stories? What makes you laugh?
Then after all the walking. Adolph said my feet hurt- I think I flattened my arches! Do you have funny travel stories? What makes you laugh?
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Post election excuses are many. At work yesterday, there were so many reasons people did not vote. Only 61% of eligible voters cast their ballot. Here are some- the weather-it was raining; all politicians are corrupt; it was a protest not to go out and vote! Democracy allows for apathy so it is important to respect everyone's excuse. My daughters voted after many years of not voting. For me it is honouring those before us who fought for peace and freedom and the right to vote. A majority will not bring everything to everyone. It will allow that another costly election will not occur for several years. The money can be spent on other initiatives. Work hard everyone! It takes all of us to make a great nation. Our government is only as good as we are as a people. If you do not like what you hear or see, then write, call your MP ( Member of Parliament). What do you think?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Wedding over. Election over-stability for Canada for awhile! Time to get on with other things. Helping others. Loving family. Gardening. Summer ventures planned. What builds a strong country is the people- one thing at a time. Working hard. Providing jobs. Practicing good values and believing in others. Respecting people of all ages and backgrounds. Proud to wear our red and white. Proud to show our flag. Good musicians. Good books. Good movies. A safe place to live. Coast to coast- even the west should love Toronto just a little today! Here's to Canada and here's to our place in the world? How do you feel today? Are you proud to be Canadian?
Monday, May 2, 2011
Just vote! No complaining about politicians or politics if you do not practice your voting right.
We are very fortunate to live in a country such as Canada with democratic rights. Do you always vote?
We are very fortunate to live in a country such as Canada with democratic rights. Do you always vote?
Sunday, May 1, 2011

We really start the summer season. It is our anniversary month as Adolph and I celebrate our 40th anniversary. Have some special events planned. The garden, the trees, the mood of people out walking and of course barbecue season is in full swing. Are you enjoying the beginning of this beautiful month?
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