
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Canada has had a linkage to the Netherlands since World War Two when the Dutch Royalty was housed in Ottawa. Thus, the big thank you to Canada of tulips and the annual Tulip Festival there. I just love tulips. They come in an array of colour, shape and sizes. Some start to bloom in April and others throughout the month of May. Along with the other spring bulbs they are such a welcome site in the garden. Over the years I have taken many, many photos of my tulips. It is my oldest daughter's favourite flower. So here's to the Dutch!! Do you have tulips in your garden? Have you been fortunate to be able to go to th Netherlands to see the Spring Flowers? It's on my bucket list to go there one day.


  1. Love them, too. Was once fortunate to travel by train through Holland, seeing tulip fields along the way. Will always rember the sight. My only complaint is that that they are so short-lived. Would love to have them all season long in my flower beds.

  2. I so agree. Perhaps the Dutch will come up with a new hybrid. Or do we just put in some plastic ones?
