
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, May 16, 2011


For my 25th anniversary, I made a special anniversary quilt that now hangs in my front hallway. For my 40th anniversary, I compiled a commemorative 40th anniversary photo album for Adolph and me and one each for our girls and families. It began as a 20 page collection of pictures collaged by themes on a 8X10 page but grew to over 86 pages with heading dividers between theme areas. I wrote a letter rather than a card to the girls explaining the process. Here is a copy of what I wrote them.
May 15, 2011
Dear Girls-Natasha and Sonya,
and to your families.
Today marks the 40th anniversary of our wedding.
For a special gift to you both, a commemorative 40th anniversary photo book was compiled to
reflect and record some of the highlights of our lives.
During February, over 40 albums were reviewed and pictures chosen for the project.
It was quite an emotional journey as many people are not with us today.
Remembering other times brought back so many memories.
Our youth, our early married lives and then the births of our two most precious people-
was quite heart warming.
To be where we are today and still standing on our own two feet has been possible because of the love of family.
Enjoy and know your parents love you very much. We are so proud of your accomplishments
but more importantly that you are two wonderful, fine human beings. We are so glad you have been such a valued part of our lives.
Dad and Mom
It was a real labour of love and creativity. Some pages had over 12 pictures arranged together with stickers and other symbolic items to reflect the page's theme. Watching my girls finally looking at the books was a real joy and made our anniversary celebrations complete. Taking time to do special projects no matter how large or small can have such long lasting rewards.
Have you done a special project for a special occasion? Did you enjoy the final result and what it meant to people?


  1. Making birthday cards with special lettering for each of my three grand-kids first few birthdays was a double pleasure, doing the cards and enjoying the looks of the parents. Your 40th anniversary project seems awesome in comparison.

  2. Wow Barb!!! What a nice surprise and a lovely way to celebrate your 40th.
    It must have meant so much to your girls to have all those pictures in a book, and the time and love that you put into it. AWESOME!!!!
    You sure do rock sister-in-law...
