
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Victoria Day long weekend is the first of the summer season, although technically it is still spring. Many people hit the road on Friday to go to their cottages or out of town to visit friends or tour. We are like many people. Stay home and work in the garden, enjoy a barbecue on a Saturday night with a favourite beer or glass of wine. If it rains there is always a movie to see. Monday is fireworks time. As a child, I loved this weekend for the fireworks. It just seemed so special. There was always the burning of the schoolhouse as the last one. Sparklers were a great hit and just did not last long enough. We used to buy some fireworks for the girls when they were little having our display in our backyard. Now I just watch from my bedroom window. There are some big displays in public parks but we do not make the effort to go. During the summer Ontario Place in Toronto has an international fireworks competition. Oh- long weekends- an extra day away from work and then the four day workweek! Lots of work but somehow my pace is slow. One weed at a time, one vegetable row at a time, the garden will evolve at its own pace!
How do you spend your long weekend? Do you have just work in mind or are you having some relaxing time too? What is your favourite long weekend?

1 comment:

  1. So far, I hven't done much. Took my dog for a long walk early this morning, in the rain ... a light drizzle. We both loved it! I walked a fair bit further today, as I get stronger, day by day. Proud of ourselves, we had some treats and went back to bed. Maybe, later, I'll get more industrious.
