
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Happy Mother's Day everyone! Around the world, mothers are tending to their children. Able to multi-task, the many daily demands are accomplished. Mother is so basic to all of us- she loves us, feeds us, disciplines us and allows us to go out into the world to have our own lives. When hurt we call for our Mother. If caught on camera at a news event, we wave and say hi Mom! If you lose your mother in childhood, the loss is immense for the rest of your life. Being a Mom and now a Nana-grandmother, the joy of seeing my children grow, marry and have children has been the reward. There are good times, hard times and times to perservere but the life's journey is worth it. Mom is like the Pasta Frajoli- a mixture of protein items, mixed together that creates an aroma in the home that is comforting and welcoming. To Mothers everywhere, enjoy your day! What are your thoughts about your mother? Are you missing her? Capture the good memories and reflect!

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