
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Today is our 40th anniversary. Adolph and I will be celebrating quietly with the children and grandchildren. We are going to a Brunch at the Doctor's House in Kleinburg then for cake at home. Last week we had pictures taken at Thornhill United Church where we were married. It was my grandson's baptism and was a wonderful opportunity to take a meaningful picture of all of us. The girls were married there too. All the grandchildren have been baptized there.

Life sometimes takes us in that circle. On our wedding we did not look forward to expect children or grandchildren. It has been part of our living. What an amazing part!

Marriage certainly can be a roller coaster ride. It has all the emotions at times. Good times, bad times, hard times! Sometimes it is just important to stick it out through all the times.

Loving someone through all the times does take courage. Coming from generations of family with many divorces, being married and staying married has been a real commitment.

Loving the person and being loved- warts and all is the basis for a marriage. Of course, there are those that need to leave an abusive relationship or the love has ended and I respect those people.

One amazing anniversary celebration was our 25th anniversary trip to Rome. In past blogs, I have written about those funny stories. Hopefully there will be more tales to tell.

Here's to couples of many years and to those just starting out together! Here's to family and love of family! Here's to those who lost a partner and are remembering the years together!

Tell me your marriage stories. Why do you stay together? What do you love about your current relationship?

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your 40th anniversary, Barb and Adolph! I'm very happy for you.
