
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Aging at whatever age takes a toll us. First grey hair, first wrinkle, first time you realize that after 30 you really can not keep the weight off as you once did. Do we need botox to feel young? Is it so terrible to have laugh lines? It really means that laughter is part of our lives. Then the view that some cultures do not wrinkle and others do. So if you have no wrinkles at 80 what does it mean. Eating well, exercising helps us all to live well. Keeping the weight down but not straving to be thin is good for us. In Health care, people with good plastic surgery can look wrinkle free but it does not guarantee a good bill of health. A hip fracture after a fall does not have a better outcome due to non-puffy eyelids. By all means do what you want for yourself. I colour my hair- not ready to look totally grey! But I know I disappoint many of my younger colleagues because I feel good about me. Walk to work! Energy to chase my grandchildren! Eat the right foods but do have a weekly cheat day! Life is too short not to eat sweets, cake or drink a little wine. I stretch my face sometimes to see how I might look if I had some work done. Then I say who is that person! I faced a strong reality long ago- I will never be 25 again and guess what I do not care. I like how I feel- so far no medication for any health issues. Perhaps I look my age- eh, so what. I smile alot and try to laugh alot- good heavens laugh lines! I feel blessed I was able to reach this age. Like many people in life, how many friends and relatives died younger than we did and did not have the luxury to reach our age. What is more important to you? How you look? How you feel? The secret for me is I feel good therefore I like the way I look. Sometimes with evening makeup and a colourful outfit can even improve both. What do you think? Or does it really matter at all?


  1. Just checkibg to see if I can post a comment on my other computer ...

  2. hmmm ... this PC works, except for the typos!

  3. Okay, I'll use this old computer because my new laptop won't let me comment. Health is the key ingredient, regardless of your age. Wrinkles give character. Laugh lines and frown lines tell us a bit about a person. Enjoy the company of people who can still laugh (and vice versa).

    Take it from someone who takes a variety of drugs to stay well. You're very fortunate. I used to be that way but my lifestyle and maybe some genes changed all that many years ago. I'm just glad there are medications available that keep me going.
