
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, May 23, 2011


In Ottawa was one of the sites I wanted to see on our recent trip. Although it was a rainy day, it still was worth the tour. We only visited one park- Major's Hill Park- that featured the festival. Lucky for us, it had a amazing viewing area of the back of the parliament buildings and Hull across the Ottawa river. Sometimes we can be lucky and have more than one tourist attraction to see.

I was also glad we picked that park. Artists had painted large tulips in various artistic expressions. Previously, other cities have had a similar theme. Chicago several years ago had local artists decorate usually with paint- the same cow shape sculpture. In Toronto, about 10 years ago there were the moose sculptures all over the city with various designs. In both previous exhibits, the items were actioned and were bought by private collectors or businesses.

We saw the tulip sculptures at various locations throughout Ottawa. It is a neat way to help local artists show their creativity and very colourful.

Have you seen a similar theme where you live? Is there a special animal or item you think would make a wonderful project in your community?

1 comment:

  1. A few years ago, Winnipeg had about 20 white polar bear sculptures, spaced out along Broadway Avenue, available for painting. Every week or so, people would revisit the street to watch the progress that had been made. It was quite the attraction. When it was over, I think various business purchased individual painted sculptures to set up on their front lawns.
