
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Returning from several days to Montreal then Ottawa reminds me of the many road trips I have taken. Canadians coast to coast take road trips. Some a few hours away to a favourite campground. Others to see family in other parts of the country or in the United States. Some to see areas of Canada that are so beautiful. Why did we chose Montreal and Ottawa? It is on my bucket list to see Paris in the Springtime. Could not afford it this year so Montreal has French speaking people and a certain- je ne sa quoi! Want to see the tulips in the Netherlands one day. Love to visit nation's capitals. Well there was the Tulip Festival in Ottawa and it is our nation capital. It was a region of Canada that Adolph and I have not seen together so a short trip- 6 hours to Montreal and 5 hours to Ottawa was manageable for a few days. Besides we could use Canadian money and knew all the Canadian places to eat- Tim Hortons, Swiss Chalet, but in Montreal there is the smoked meat. Ate at a famous place- Reubens on Rue St. Catherine. Adolph had his smoked meat! Me- I had the Reubens, what else! There will be more tales on our trip. Now after putting the main accessories and clothes from the trip away, the conculsion of any road trip is to enjoy one's own bed again! Tell me your tales of your road trips. What are your favourite places? Do you have something planned for the summer?

1 comment:

  1. When I eat out, at least for lunch, I always try a rueben sandwich, if it's on the menu, hoping for the best one yet. Sounds like I'll have to head to Montreal for the ultimate one.
