
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, December 31, 2010


To 2010 makes me reflect on other goodbyes in my life. There were some goodbyes- to family members moving, parents' health declining. Going into a New Year brings the need to try to make resolutions and change- goodbye to bad habits, lose weight, spend less money or whatever comes to mind in the moment. My cousin says he makes goals that are attainable. Positive approach. Goals unlike resolutions can be multi-faceted with baby steps. Writing down the goal or goals, starting and checking the progress made. So as we say goodbye, to what are we saying goodbye- just a date on the calendar? Arrivederci! See you again is a better goodbye. Goodbye to the year by celebrating it and looking forward to another year! Some people hope it will be a better year! It will be what it will be. 2010 brought some joys like a new grandson, ability to keep working, writing regularly, renewed creativity. What did the year bring for you? Do you have resolutions or goals or are you just going to hold your own in the New Year?

1 comment:

  1. We say goodbye every day to something or to someone. Every day that we wake brings change to our lives: sometimes small changes, sometimes great ones, sometimes good, sometimes not so good. Fortunately, we also say hello to something or someone new every day. Often, if we stop to examine our lives, we realize that a new balance is reached with each change. Once in a while, when a major change occurs, we may, in fact, be better off than we were. Sometimes, not. But, we can adjust, adapt, and move forward. Embrace change; it's what makes our lives interesting and challenging. But, also embrace what has not changed; it makes our lives richer.
