
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Evergreen trees are our salvation in the winter months when the deciduous trees have lost their leaves and the flowers have died. Covered in snow they are subject of many Christmas cards and beautiful photographs. In natural settings they make a winter walk enjoyable. On a ski slope they can be markers for the skier. Many Christmas light displays have encircled the trees. Most homes will have at least one evergreen tree. My tree on the front lawn is quite tall now. There are two more in the backyard. In the Spring and Summer they are overshadowed by the other vegetation. Now the green stands out like a big gardener's thumb. In some ways they are boring and many gardeners debate whether to plant the evergreen tree at all. But over the years as the tree grows taller and taller it is seen as a wise decision. Besides there are no leaves to rake- just some pine cones to be hidden under it. The winter with its evergreen trees is like life. Are we like the evergreen tree as our lives move along? Is it in the winter of our lives that our worth is really understood? Do other things overshadow us in earlier times? Even with a little white, there still is such beauty.

1 comment:

  1. hmm ... definitely, like the old evergreen i grow more important with age (even if only in my own mind :)). seriously, evergreens are important parts of my yard. most of mine are pyramidal cedars of various sizes. one is quite large and has come close to removal a couple of times but, each time, i've spared it, if only because it shades one part of the deck and lends a little more privacy to the yard.
