
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Did you have someone in your academic world that influenced your thinking? I did. Ray Godfrey, one of my professors when I was studying my Masters of Social Work at the University of Toronto( 1973-1975) taught one of our core counselling courses. She had been a nurse during World War Two then studied for her Social Work degree, served in the community before becoming a professor. One clinical piece of advice she gave us- "no matter how busy you are in your job, every once in a while lift up your head and really look around you. See what is there!" In health care, we often are reminded not to work in silos. We connect with others- even though our professional jobs are unique. I see now she was warning us about the politics of any place. Be part of the planning and evaluation. See the trends. Be one of the trends! Climb high and look down! Be down and look up! And watch your back! Ray was also a bit of a character. She wore rings on every finger. Every time an ambulance went by if we were in class, she would cross herself! Is there someone you remember who taught you well? Ray was just one of many people I knew. Perhaps I will share others with you! Perhaps you can tell me your stories of wonderful people you encountered!

1 comment:

  1. Tell us about more wonderful people in your life ... you do it so well!
