
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, April 27, 2012


When discussing a case with a nurse from another country, he was concerned about the unfortunate details. He expressed how can people live like that? I stated, in English we have this saying- there for the Grace of God do I! It is 1 saying that says so much. Did God give us the right parents at the right time? Perhaps, but even children from very dysfunctional families have made their way and have positive adult experiences. Did God give us the intelligence and the discipline to study and work on a good education? Perhaps! Did he just direct us in the right direction- to make choices and not use any circumstance we have lived as an excuse to waste our life? If we reflect on situations in our lives and the choices made- no to drugs, social drinking and not problem drinking, exercise, patience, learning positive ways to deal with conflict, healthy eating, and the list could go on! Were all the choices ours? Or was there some little inner voice that guided us? I question why some people that used fraud, stole money from others, and still have very dishonest business practices end up with the bigger houses, more expensive cars, travel and a life style that the average person will never have! Not all good things come to good people! History tells us the story over and over! Do we make honest choices that lead us to a good life but not necessarily a monetary successful life? Perhaps! Then the whole concept of success would be fodder for another post! Did God bless me with a life worth living? You bet!

1 comment:

  1. We owe so much to the guidance given us by our parents.
