
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Spring not only brings the flowers, the song birds that return to the area are a small joy. As a child I learnt to recognize many birds wherever our family would venture. The Robin has been busy building a new nest in our yard. There is a pair of cardinals with the male belting out songs on a daily basis. In the field nearby, the Red Winged Blackbird has been singning up a storm. Trying to recall the name of the woodpecker- white with black spots- pecking away on some trees on my walk. The sparrows, chickadees, blackbirds and others help the season to feel alive. Some morning doves can often be heard cooing! There is something very primal living at one with nature that finds its way to my life. It feels real and needed. The right trees and vegetation do attract the right birds. It does not take much in any urban area to make it happen. Thank heaven for the bylaws that say all developers must plant a tree in the front of every house once a subdivision is finished. Actually they could leave some of the woodlots that are there when they start! I feel the need to get out my bird book to have the right name for the right bird. When the little ones are here, it is always an opportunity to teach them about the various birds- a natural science lesson! I learnt from the adults in my life so it is my turn to pass the torch! The love of music does come in many directions- our little song birds give us daily pleasure! Do you have birds in your area that are your local joys? Can you recognize their songs? Do you have any favourites? Does your yard house a small variety? Do you have some returning ones like my pair of cardinals?

1 comment:

  1. Bird song in the spring is really great. But, later on, when they start singing at 4:30 a.m., outside my bedroom window, it's not so great.

    We don't have that many birds in our yard. Nothing like it was at the Carman place where there were dozens of different birds at the feeders every day. It helps to be surrounded by a woodland.
