
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


While walking this morning, I remembered a funny incident my mother told me many years ago. We lived in Richmond Hill north of Toronto and my Uncle Norman and Auntie Lynn lived in the East End of Toronto. It was a hot summer day so it was common not to wear any hose under your dress. My Mom had pinned her underwear whose elastic was loose  before she started out on the hour and ahalf- two buses, subway then another TTC-Toronto Transit Commission-bus ride to my Uncle's. She had taken the Mortimer bus. Now if you take city transit anywhere, you know about the two steps to get in and out of a bus are quite steep and need a long stride. So when Mom was disembarking the final bus, her underwear snapped and fell to her ankles as she negotiated the second step. She quickly stepped out of them when she got to the ground, gave them a little kick and started walking! She did not look back to see if anyone on the bus had seen her. Of course, when she arrived at her destination, she could not stop laughing along with the family members present! So remember to check the elastic on your underwear!

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