
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, April 13, 2012


Cancer can affect anyone in any family. It still really is a disease for the old even though we all have known people at all ages who may have experienced some form of cancer. Some types of cancers are treatable and curable with a long life span. Others are treatable but do shorten the life of the person. Some types go away for awhile with treatment but can return at a later date. Some are very aggressive! There is lots of literature available to discuss the types if you want to learn more. I just think Cancer Sucks! To those who are experiencing it- don't lost hope! To families and friends supporting the person- don't lost hope! To all the researchers, please keep researching and maybe there will be new hope for longer tomorrows! Thank you to the oncologists, doctors, nurses, dieticians and a social worker or two who work with the patients and families to try to bring a quality of life!
Do you know someone with cancer- give that person a hug for me!


  1. Edna Mallet-Park wrote- I tried to comment on our blog but it won't go through. I thought this was beautiful write up this morning, sure fits the bill with us right now.
