
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Mondays are always transition days from the weekend. To keep my mood positive, Sunday night is an opportunity to strategize what the week may entail- any special events, late meetings, need to shop for gifts and the normal week. Finishing little tasks help to bring some control in what may be ahead. I usually fold all the laundry done on the weekend- it is laundry catch up! This time of year is the challenge of changing the seasonal clothes but keeping some outfits in case the weather is chilly. So my side of the closet is organized- will be tackling Adolph's side within the week. Too cool for cottons but too warm for wooleys! Typical Canadian weather! Must be prepared for all! Some bills paid- Adolph can go to the bank with them. Not quite trusting of paying everything online yet but do have a lot that are preauthorized! I find this organizing helps me find the positive side of work life. By organizing my life and my thoughts, it is a real mental preparation despite whatever may be happening in my personal life. Does organizing the little things help you with your life? There are too many things I can not control but there are small tasks that keep me grounded. Do you have some tasks? I know people who have dogs, must walk the dogs so it helps with exercise and purpose. Is it a purpose or a drag? Do tasks help you find the positives in your life? I ironed a pile of Adolph's tops and when I saw it this morning there was a sense that something was accomplished- sounds silly but it gave me pleasure. Do you find pleasure in these normal activities of daily living?

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