
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


What is justice? It has many definitions but we often think in the legal terms. It can be slanted depending on the situation. If someone hurts us- emotionally, financially, legally- we want justice for that person. Some cases even go to the highest court in our land and still justice may not prevail for you. Just conduct! Fairness! We exercise our authority in the maintenance of right. But what is right depends on the individual's interpretation - I am right and you are wrong. If we want justice, then what. If we are harmed, the deed is done. Will any justice in the land make us feel better? Perhaps in the biblical sense, justice is mine sayeth the lord! The hardest thing to do is to forgive and move on! Is justice an internal sense of well being or an external punishment of the perpetrator! Have you been wronged? Are you seeking justice? What slant do you put on your situation?

1 comment:

  1. Your photo suggests justice may be slanted towards the rich (assuming the rich in Ottawa live to the east of downtown).
