
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Simple- get down to the person's level without being patronizing. I was thinking about this topic after I was babysitting my two grandsons the other night. For the little guy- 10 months- I just sat on the floor with him- at his level. We were seeing eye to eye. As a professional, how can we see eye to eye with the clients, patients, children? In any therapeutic relationship, there is always a power imbalance. As the authority, big words, big ideas and well concepts that need a dictionary abound. In social situations, the person with the most money can look down his/her nose and be the most important- well pretentious! " I am richer than You!" Or I am prettier than you! I am slimmer than you! If we want to be superior, very easy in many circumstances. For example, watch the way many people treat the cashier at any checkout line! Or the waitress/waiter in the restaurant business! Sometimes pretentiousness is just a defense for real underlying insecurities. But sometimes there are real people who do believe they are owed more! More of what- that is the question? I love it when I witness someone getting down to a person's level of understanding. We have some doctors who will draw a crude, simple diagram for a patient to explain the diagnosis or illness. The patient understands without a lot of big words or having to research 6 sites on the Internet. Can take the paper and drawing away with a new respect for their physician. Regardless of the job we have, there is a team around us that provide work and service. Back to the little guy, I'm on the floor with him but when needed, I can stand up again and tower over him or just pick him up to be at my level again. Perhaps that is the trick, reaching out and picking someone up to our level. Then on other occasions, we may be the one needing picking up! Are you pretentious? Do you know people who are pretentious? How do you deal with such people? Do you avoid pretentious people? I know I do!

1 comment:

  1. I've never had a hard time avoiding such people. Usually, they don't even notice me, they're so busy looking at other pretentious people to see if they're dressed better or in a group of similar minded people. I've been patronized by the best of them. I just let them think I'm as ignorant as they think I am. I smile inwardly and move on.
