
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Canadians have been known to be a very polite people. There are moments when we can encounter impolite ones though. Our children are taught from the cradle to say please and thank you, to wait your turn. In our modern world with all its impatience it is easy to forget one's manners. Everyone is in a hurry- so leave earlier for what you need to do! Waiting- that has become a dirty word. Remember the days when you had to go to the bank at noon on your lunch break or Friday when the bank stayed open until 6- yes you waited in a long line. If you go to the bank today and they are two people ahead of you- the huffing and puffing that goes on. Today we have choices with online banking, ATMs, longer hours and even Saturday banking. I have lots of patience. If someone else was first then I can wait. If there is a traffic jam, I can wait. If the light is red, I can wait. When I chose to do a big shop and have waited in my line and have someone with the one item, I usually let that person go ahead of me as I am loading the counter. Honestly- so I do not have to have huffing and puffing behind me. Recently, I let someone go ahead who had to mention she was in a hurry as she had a long drive- there was no consideration of my day. Since I have manners I did not mention- yes I am a busy full-time working Nana with a busy schedule and needed to get home to babysit the grandkiddies after awakening at 6 a.m. to change the bed, do two loads of laundry- well you get the picture!!! Manners do let us be civilized and not get into power struggles with others. Sincere appreciation- with a Thank you so much!! Thanking those in our lives for the little things that are done. Can you please print those labels! Excuse me when you walk between some one! Do you mind if I pass by you! So much nicer and makes a nicer world. I have been criticized for being too polite in my lifetime! However, manners do keep us in check when there are times we really want to tell someone to.... - well you know those choice expressions. Would you describe yourself as someone with good manners? Does it make you feel good to respect others? Do you have trouble waiting?

1 comment:

  1. Good manners kind of boils down to a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. My mom and dad seem to have drilled the 'please' and 'thank you' thing into me, and me into my kids, for i hear them teaching the same thing to their kids. Those two things go a long way in life.

    One wonders if the rude people that we occasionally encounter didn't have parents with good manners. But, I'm optimistic because the whiter my hair becomes, the more I'm treated politely. Why, even the other day, a young woman held the door open for me, with a smile, while I was entering a store. You can be sure I said 'thank you!'.
