
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I was a Social Work student doing my second year U. of T. Masters field practice placement at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. As part of my learning, I requested cases with patients with terminal illness. One case- Renee- will always be remembered. I was a busy student, studying, researching for my placement requirements, married with commitments at home. Always in a hurry. One day when I was arriving for placement it was snowing and I was dreading the ride home if it kept up. I had many people to see that day and a paper to write later that evening. I visited Renee. She was in her bed, very ill and quiet. We started to talk but she kept looking towards the window. She told me in her soft voice that she loved to watch the snow come down, it was so pretty. And it was. We sat quietly together and watched the snow slowly descend. We talked about matters that were on her mind. It slowed my energy and taught me to be aware of the world around me. Although it was still snowing on my way home, my view of it was so different. The first snow flurry of the winter season always reminds me of her. There was a light dusting of snow today. Life lessons come from all directions.

1 comment:

  1. it's very interesting, the things that trigger different memories ... neat story, barb
