
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, June 7, 2013


On my walk to work yesterday, I was thinking about the number of times in a day the people I work around discuss money, how much money someone has, the  house, the car and the feeling if you make a lot of money you are successful! Money and things! Yes, if you do not make lots of money no matter what you do-well you really are not very successful.  It definitely does help not to worry how the bills will be paid. Is a person's worth the size of the wallet and all the money? Does everyone that lives in the big houses have lots of money? A celebrity with all the trimmings often get more goodies for nothing because of the fame! How much is enough money? So why are there many people who are not rich nor make elaborate incomes just enjoying life. A smaller house, a garden, love of family and social activities that bring joy but not in any ritzy place. Why do some people just love living despite the fact there is no wealth? Some days-well I look around and feel happy, content! Don't get me wrong-I have bills to pay and do not have the funds I hoped I would have at this age. But for some reason I just plod along and enjoy life! My purple/white irises called me to photograph them. A spontaneous hug from one of my grandsons brought joy! Celebrating my granddaughter's birthday was fun! She enjoyed the new book about horses! Sure I would love to win the lottery, have one of my projects make money and have more things like a cottage but for some reason my life still has lots of meaning, joy, love and purpose that with or without those things I carry on! I did find myself discussing one of my projects with a fellow Social Worker yesterday and after the discussion, I thought to myself- hey I have passion about that project! It was not about money but about completing the project-just because, regardless of how successful it would be! Talking to her reminded me that not everyone is obsessed with money! Perhaps I need to surround myself with more people that have a passion about something and are not judging everyone about the size of paycheque they make! So why do we idolize the rich, the athlete, the celebrity? Do you have the answer?


  1. Well, I certainly don't idolize the rich and famous. Some of these people probably got to where they are by hard, honest work but I'd wager most of them got to where they are by other means.

    Look no further than our MPs and Senators, our land developers, our lawyers, and our corporate CEOs. Sure, some of them are honest or appear so but the more we learn about what goes on behind closed doors, the more we realize a lot of these people are morally bankrupt.

    Idolize? Never!
