
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


How often does a parent hear-but it is not dark out, why do I have to go to bed? As much as we all love the longer days, children may become confused. Of course, blinds or curtains in a bedroom help to make the room dark and keep the morning sun out but our little ones still can see it is "day" outside. Do we move the bedtime a little later to accomodate the season? Fortunately, the school year is almost over so children do not have to be so awake in the morning. For the working parents, there is still the schedule to get up and get going to Day Care or Summer Camps or to catch the bus to the camp. Weather permitting, one solution is active play before and after dinner to tire the children! Letting them take advantage of play or a walk or a bike ride to burn some energy not only keeps them and us fit but does help with bedtime. It changes the routine or strict schedule parents often have with their children. Thus summer becomes more laid back with some good parent-child activities. Sometimes struggles can become positive- as a parent becomes more relaxed and slides into the season, children will follow. It is amazing that the stress and strain of living becomes the norm that often parents don't know how to get away from it! Think of summer as a time to enjoy the longer days! Get outside! A load of laundry can be put in the machine and then do a fun activity! Multi-tasking can be rearranged. Does the house really need to be cleaned as often? Little children grow up! Do you want your memories to be- the rushed life style? Will your excuse be-I was busy, I did not have time to do that! Children are what make us busy. If you want your house to be clean, keep children out of it. The outdoor play does not mess the house! Does it really hurt if your little one wants another story or the older one to read some more before sleeping? For a couple of months, change it up!

1 comment:

  1. Soccer is great, too. Kids can start learning, and wearing off some energy, early. And, if the parents help with coaching or something, they'll get their exercise, too.
