
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


It is on my bucket list to visit Egypt one day. Until I can, there have exhibits at the Royal Ontario Musuem in Toronto over the years to visit. I thought I would share some of the art postcards purchased form such visits. The pictures were from a touring exhibit from 2008. They are from the 18th dynasty.

The pieces were magnificient to see. Everyone knows the story of how the tomb was discovered and the artifacts had not been robbed and pillaged. It made eveyone consider if other pharaohs' burial sites had been unscathed-what treasures would have been found.

The cards have- top left- Tutankhamun Shabi;  bottom left- gilded funeray mask of Tuyu; top right- gilded wooden figures of Tutankhamun as the King of Upper Egypt(L) and the King of Lowere Egypt (R) and bottom right-Cosmetic jar with a recumbent lion on the lid.

Many more images! I love the midde colourful one depicting the Golden inlaid pectoral wtih a winged scarab. The head of the scarab beetle touches a double cartouche containing Tutankhamun's birth name (L) and throne name (R).
A little history in some beautiful art cards to enjoy as often as I want. It will have to hold me until I can take the real tour!

1 comment:

  1. The cards are wonderful examples of Egyptian art. I saw the exhibit in New York and was equally impressed. Hope you empty your trip from your bucket list soon.
