
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


As a Social Worker, the minute I tell someone what I do I am often told, I'm like a social worker because I like to talk to people and give advice! Hum! Counselling is much more than that! It is a trained set of skills. Years of practice of how to question and facilitate a person's process in the direction he/she needs to go. Different questioning than a job interview, a police interrogation or a lawyer that tries "to trip you up" so you will contradict yourself. It is different than teaching!  Listening to the client's words or using therapeutic modalities such as art, music, photos gives insight into a person's issues. I love to be around other therapists and social workers because we speak the same language. Taking some psychology courses are good but they do not make everyone a trained clinician. So do you understand why I do not always tell people what I do?


  1. I hear you. When people learn I was an entomologist, I get tagged for all their bug problems. Sometimes I'm tempted to say most problems are because of unsanitary homes!

  2. Good answer! It would sure stop people in their tracks! You make me laugh!
