
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Do you notice these words seem to bring a sense of regret? I would have done it but I did not have time. I could have done it but I did not want to. I should have done it and I wish I had. These are often the addition to the words. Life can come with regrets. The things that did not happen. The things we wish we did. The bad experiences we wish we could have avoided. How can we turn regrets into life learning? Rather than beat ourselves over the head about events, just learn from them. If we have a regret, try to remember so when a similar circumstance comes along do what we did not do previously. Especially the shoulds! I should lose weight. I should phone my friend. The lists of shoulds is often long and often running through our heads. Turning it around to positive living! We can always ask ourselves if we should be doing something then why aren't we? What is holding us back? Honestly, maybe it is really something someone else wants us to do! So what are your would have, could have, should have thoughts?

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