
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


As Canadians coast to coast sit down to their traditional Thanksgiving dinners this weekend, there are bound to be memories made as well as sharing from past years. Growing up, many Thanksgivings included our family as well as my Uncle Norman, Auntie Lynne and cousin Pam. There was always table banter as well as lots of overeating. When I married, Adolph and I would go to his mother's or my mother's home until we started being responsible for the dinners. When my folks retired to British Columbia, there were many Thanksgivings they would come and stay at my house enjoying the company of our family and my sister's family who lived nearby. A dinner table is about family gathering together. Now our table includes the married daughters and families. This year my sister is visiting so there will be a chance to talk about those who are missing and also to enjoy the day- the present. I know there will be several more years where the Thanksgiving dinner will be at my house. But someday the torch will be passed to the younger generation. Don't worry they bring dessert now so the work is not all mine! What is your fondest dinner memory of Thanksgiving? Is it a time to be together to celebrate? Or do you just like the eating?

1 comment:

  1. Thanksgiving is a good time for families to get together. Too bad everyone seems to over-eat, myself included. I do wish we could have a big ham roast instead of turkey sometimes. I know some families have both but it's too much for most small families. Maybe someday the stores will get wise and sell half-turkeys?
