
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


As I see my daughters and spouses cope with the fulltime jobs and parenting, I am reminded of the days I too faced the stress of a 16 hour day before collapsing into bed. Then starting again the next morning with early risings and preparation. Organization skills were in top form. Bags by the door; lunches in the Fridge and lists of what needed to be done that day. Grandparents are the support team as well as aunts, uncles, friends and even some neighbours. Finding others to help with car pools for lessons can be a big help. Other times and cultures had generations living under the same roof so the support was in the home. Independent nuclear families come with perks and downbacks. Having family nearby but not in the home is a positive option. Adolph and I are the backup for Day Care pickups. Others have a special day at the Market or Saturday night sleepovers to give the parents a break. How are you coping as a working parent? Have you checked out all the support you need? Do you have family members you can trust? It seems like it will last forever, but like everything else in life it will change and those little dependents will become more independent, making their own way!

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