
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Canadians have been making a similar dinner for generations- basically Turkey and all the trimmings! What does it entail! A fresh or frozen turkey, turkey gravy, bread stuffing, and a variety of vegetables. Depending on the family they could include mashed potatoes, peas, kernel corn, a variety of squashes, brussel sprouts,sweet potatoe, turnip! A splash of cranberry sauce flavours the turkey well! My Mom used to make turnip but I do not as no one really likes it. We add a couple of Italian side dishes like rapini and red peppers to the meal as well as a few Italian sausages. I always had to satisfy my Italian born hubbie! The dessert includes pies but usually pumpkin and apple make it to every dinner. There are other cookies, squares or decorated cupcakes that round out this course. Women from coast to coast have been baking all week. I have a sister-in-law in New Brunswick- Edna- who is a terrific baker and I am sure her family will be loving her efforts! By the end of the meal everyone feels stuffed! Newly arrived immigrants of each generation start to find that it is a wonderful time to celebrate with family and friends. I never had any recipes from my Mom, I just would watch her cook this meal and learnt how to do do. Since my husband has a food blog, he let me put the Canadian Bread Stuffing recipe there. http://granpalovestocook.blogspot.com
I love the tradition of this meal. It ties in our historical roots from not only the white men who came to Canada but our indigenous people. The cranberry, sweet potatoe and squash are so Canadian. Pumpkins and apples are wonderful harvest crops that have been added to the table. For me another whole generation is discovering it bounty! Thanksgiving- a time to celebrate the Harvest and to be thankful for the many blessings in our lives. Are you having the traditional meal? Have you been baking your pies and sweets? Turkey and all the trimmings is such a wonderful meal. Hope your preparations are going well! Enjoy! Cheers! Buon Appetito! Bon Appetit!

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